Kurama My Beloved

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Hello there my glorious bubs! I made some art for this fanfic which you can view on Instagram using the following link or just checking out the account @m_ai_art .


Of course you don't have to but if you do, I'd really appreash it! I'll probably make more art as the fanfic progresses so you got that too *^*

Anywho, enjoy the chapter and thank you for the support so far! Big preach!


Naruto was contemplating the pros and cons of killing Sasuke. He would opt for therapy but the Uchiha would attempt to chidori himself at the prospect of admitting that he had lost his shit literally and figuratively. 

What the Uchiha had done was by no means a secret. No one was blind to the fact that his club of fangirls had suddenly turned into fujoshi experts overnight. If Naruto heard another one of them debate whether Sasuke was a top or bottom, he was going to rasengan their damn homes. 

Naruto totally was not experiencing gay panic at all nope nada neigh you have no idea what you're talking about. 

Shikamaru, on the other hand, had not reacted at all when he was exposed to the latest turn of events. As lazy as he was, he was still the smartest Nara so far and even if he had a single braincell, he was certain he would've noticed how fruity his friends were during the years they were stuck with eachother in war. 

So really, he could not bring himself to care about their love life seeing as he would be unable to see his future lover until the Chunin Exams. What a drag, really. 


Kakashi was not happy. Guy could only do so much to keep the ex-ANBU at bay, although, being a taijutsu guide to Naruto had definitely helped his efforts in keeping the silver haired man content. 

One may wonder, why exactly was Kakashi also contemplating the pros and cons of killing Sasuke? Well, it is quite simple really. The Uchiha seemed less angry and broody suddenly and that was fine with Kakashi. The Uchiha suddenly got quite close to his precious baby boi Naruto and that was fine with Kakashi since Naruto seemed happy to have the duckbutt as a friend. The Uchiha openly declared himself to swing the other way and this was not fine with Kakashi. 

Now Kakashi had no issue with the boy's orientation. What bothered Hatake was the fact that the Uchiha was gay and his closest acquaintance was Naruto. What if the Uchiha stole his sunshine? How he could he ever explain himself if he let the Uchiha whisk away his late sensei's son? He couldn't. Hence, the Uchiha had to go. Sorry Itachi but this is for the greater good

"Kakashi put down that kunai before I open a gate on you." Guy deadpanned, getting tired of his dearest friend's antics. Guy, unlike Kakashi, did not see anything wrong with the companionship of Sasuke and Naruto. If the boys were happy then that was all that mattered. 

"But Guyyyyyyy, what if he ruins my poor innocent Naru-chan?!

"Kakashi, my greatest rival and most youthful friend, I will punt you."



Shikamaru had finally gotten a decent control on his chakra. Naruto had given him a list of various chakra exercises to help increase his chakra pool and in turn, his chakra control. It proved to be quite beneficial as the techniques provided were those used by the Uzumaki Clan to control their immense chakra reserves. No wonder the Uzumaki were a feared Clan. That much chakra could prove beyond disastrous if used with the intent to hurt or kill. 

Beginning Anew (Naruto Fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ