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Sasuke figured he had been a bit too idealistic when demanding Itachi to return to the village immediately. While the man of the hour did not appear, he was sure to send Sasuke detailed scrolls explaining the complications with his situation and being quite adamant that his surveillance of Sasuke was strictly for safety concerns.

Itachi had informed Sasuke that he would be able to make it back safely about a month after the academy graduation day as returning any sooner would  alert the Akatsuki. Itachi was also quick to question why and how Sasuke was privy to so much sensitive information but never received an answer as Sasuke chose to ignore him. Karma for all the years of abandoning Sasuke was hitting Itachi hard and Sasuke was enjoying every second of it. 

Honestly, Sasuke didn't really mind the delay. He could do without the awkward reunion considering he was being reunited with a person he had already mourned twice. Instead, he had more pressing matters to be concerned about. Such as the fact that Ino of all people knew about his feelings towards a stupid blonde and would not leave him alone about it. 

While he was willing to admit that the pony-tailed kunoichi was decent company, he was also equally willing to chidori her every time she suggested he read yaoi erotica. Why was a 12 year old this shameless?! Sasuke almost felt bad for what Sai had gotten himself into, or rather will get himself into. Time travel is weird. 

Another development was how he would get greeted by Hinata Hyuga every time they crossed paths. It didn't seem like a big deal to the duckbutt but clearly it was as Naruto was left in tears, proclaiming his pride for his shadow Hokage. Sasuke was quick to punt Naruto into the nearest wall. Shikamaru didn't show Sasuke any mercy either, snickering about how Sasuke was finally blooming into the social butterfly he was always meant to be. Shikamaru received a smack on the head. 


Listening to her father's advise and Naruto's encouragement, Ino decided to get her shit together with Sakura. Thinking back, Ino felt extremely stupid about why she had broken off her friendship with Sakura in the first place. Imagine fighting over a guy who happens to be gay for the most unexpected person. Couldn't be her lol. If only. 

Ino realised that being friends with Sasuke was far better than thirsting for the emo. She also realised how blind she had been to the painfully obvious crush the emo had for Naruto. Initially, Ino was extremely confused as to why it was Naruto of all people but after spending time with the fellow blonde, she understood far too well. 

Naruto was literal sunshine in the form of a human. He was extremely kind and wholesome, always seeing the bright side of every situation and putting others before himself. He was also very accepting of people, regardless of how rude or bad natured they were. It was refreshing. Having grown up listening to people judge her abilities and looks, question if she was fit to be the clan heir and even call her out on her care free personality which was apparently unbecoming of a kunoichi, Ino found herself at peace when surrounded with Naruto, Shikamaru, Choji and Sasuke. 

Due to this realisation, Ino wanted Sakura to be content as well and join her group of idiots. Thanks to Naruto, Ino had also gotten well acquittanced with Guy sensei, Lee, Hinata and Shino. While she definitely had opinions on the outfits Guy and Lee wore, she was amazed by their taijutsu prowess. 

Ino had never been a fan of bugs so she thought to keep her distance from Shino until he introduced her to various kinds of butterflies. Ino would be lying if she said she didn't enjoy learning about them from Shino. As far as Hinata was concerned, how could Ino not love the shy girl! Claiming Hinata as her little sister, Ino was prepared to beat up any fucker that looked at the Hyuga heir the wrong way. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2022 ⏰

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