Prologe 1

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Trigger warning: Mentions of death, jerk villagers, angry/hurt Naruto, blood.

Kurama looked around. He had been sealed again. He had only been out of the woman for an hour at most. And even then he was being controlled by that damn Uchiha.

At least this seal seemed to be a bit weaker. Instead of being chained to a boulder with a painful spike in his chest, he was in a cage.

He growled. "An eight trigrams seal. That damn fourth Hokaga even split me in two. Now, who am I sealed inside of?"

The cry of a child rang out. Kurama looked down to see, a baby. He didn't seem to be more than a month old. Looking closely, Kurama realized that it was the child of his previous jinukuriki.

A wave of sadness washed over him. He had no idea why. It may have been because he knew that he had killed this boy's parents before he even knew them, or maybe it was because he knew the child would be blamed for what He had done while under the control of that accursed Uchiha.

The child opened his eyes. They were blue. A bright, welcoming blue. They were in stark contrast to Kurama's harsh red eyes. The boy looked at him. He reached out with his chubby hands, grasping at Kurama. A lovely smile spread across his face, and he started laughing.

Kurama was shocked. Most kids would have started crying when they saw him. This one seemed to like him. The laugh lit a warmth in Kurama's heart. He gave a toothy grin, and the child laughed even more. Gently, not wanting to hurt the child, he stuck a hand through the cage. He may not like most humans, but he had a soft spot for little kids.

He curled his finger, making sure his claw wouldn't cut him, and let the child grab his fur.

The little boy touched that fur and started to cuddle with it. He didn't pull the fur off and was very gentle.

Kurama chuckled. The child fall asleep and vanished. Kurama figured that he woke up in the real world.

In the real world, Naruto was was in the basket in front of the hundreds of people that had gathered for the memorial service for the people who lost their lives in the nine-tails attack. After it ended ANBU members took Naruto to the Hokaga's manner. For the next three years, a masked woman took care of Naruto.

She showed him no love though. She feed him and did the bare minimum for him. Little did she know, Kurama was always watching the people around Naruto. He hated that they treated him like this. They saw him as the prisoner instead of a prison.


When he turned four, he was given his father's house. The Third Hokage would come by from time to time to give him money. Kurama remembered that his previous jinukuriki asked him to take care of her son, Naruto. He didn't do that.

Kurama wondered when he should show himself to Naruto. He doubted that he remembered him. He was an infant after all.

One day, as Naruto was walking around town, a group of teenagers grabbed him and pulled him into an alleyway.

Unable to keep his balance, he fell to the ground.

Puffing out his cheeks, he glared at the teens. There were three of them. He didn't seem to be afraid. On the outside anyway. On the inside, he was worried.

Even as a kid, he knew that the odds here were not in his favor.


Before he could even finish, one of the teens punched him. "You don't have that right to even talk! You killed our parents! You should have been the one to die! Not them!"

The three boys started to kick at the small child. Naruto curled up and took the abuse. He had no idea what he had done. He knew, even at that age, that he hadn't killed anyone.

The trio got bored and left after about five minutes. Naruto stayed curled up for a little while longer. He was in a lot of pain. Once he was sure that there wasn't anyone around, he ran back to his house. Locking the door the moment he got in, he ran to the bathroom.

Looking in the mirror, he saw how badly hurt he was. Both of his eyes were black, he had blood running down the side of his forehead and a bloody nose. His arms and legs were covered in bruises.

Taking a deep breath, he washed his face off.

"What do I do?" Naruto muttered under his breath.

This was when Kurama realized that this was his chance. Pulling Naruto into his subconscious, he spoke up. "Oi. Kid."

This was a bit of a shock to Naruto. Whipping around, he faced the huge face of the fox in front of him. He could only see the face and the cross of the arms that it was leaning on. Part of him knew he should be scared, but he wasn't. He had overheard people calling him a demon fox. He clicked the two pieces.

He smiled at the fox. "Hello. Are you the fox people think I am?"

Kurama blinked. This wasn't the reaction he was expecting. He was still a kid, so that might be it.

Nodding, he spoke up. "Why didn't you fight back?"

Naruto shifted. "I was worried that if I fought back, they would hurt me more."

Kurama smiled. "I see. I didn't expect a kid to be this smart."

Naruto crossed his arms and puffed out his cheeks. "That's mean. But that aside, my name is Naruto Uzumaki. What's your name?"

Kurama gave a small smile. "I am the kubii. The nine-tailed demon fox. My name is Kurama."

Naruto's eyes brightened and he gave a big smile, letting his arm fall to his side. "I like that name. But where are we? I was in my house a second ago."

Kurama laughed. "This is your subconscious. All you humans have one. I brought you here. I wanted to help you."

Naruto tilted his head. "How?"

Kurama snorted. "I'll show you."

The next second, he gave Naruto a tiny bit of Chakra. He didn't want to give him too much, as that would hurt him. As Naruto's body absorbed it, his bruises healed. The swelling in his eyes died down and the small gash on his head closed.

Naruto clapped his hands. "That was so cool."

Kurama smiled. "Listen, kid, don't think that I can keep doing this for you. That power I gave you was small, but your body isn't strong enough."

Naruto looked at him. "Is it because I'm a kid?"

Kurama tilted his head back in forth. "That's pretty much it."

Naruto walked closer to the cage. "Kurama? You said that you were the nine-tails. Does that mean that there are others like you? Like one with only one tail."

Kurama gave a sad smile. "Yes. There are eight others like me."

Naruto stood just outside of the cage. "Can you tell me about them?"

Kurama smiled. "Maybe another time. Using my power will cause you to go get tired you should sleep."

Naruto lowered his head. "Okay. It was nice to meet you Kurama."

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