Ch. 14

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Trigger warning: Blood, Jerk Kankuro, scary Gaara

After Naruto got the letters back from both Han and Roshi, he told them the plan. During the Hanami festival, all the Kage would be there for and was taking place before the finals of the chunin exam. They would create clones so they would have an alibi for where they were.

However, in reality, they would be inside the Hashirama status. The statue was hollow and had been used for war meetings during the third great ninja war. There was a blood seal that had been made by Naruto's dad. Naruto had tested it with a clone, that had some of his blood, and the clone was able to get in. In the middle of the room, inside the status, was a table with ten chairs. Because they only need nine, as only the jinchurikis would be there, the clone removed it.

He had gotten the approval from all the jinchurikis that they were okay with it, Naruto gave them a bit of his blood, secured in a glass vile. He asked them to keep this meeting a secret.

As the day for the chunin exams grow closer and team seven walked past the building where they learned the essentials of being a ninja.

Sasuke looked at the letter. "So we go to room 3-E?"

Naruto nodded. "So you think that chunin will try to trick us into going into the wrong room? Maybe with something like a genjutsu?"

Sakura shrugged, and with her sleeveless top, one could see the muscles she had built up. "I would think so. If they did, it would probably be to weed out the weak ones. If you can't even see through a genjutsu, what chance do you have of complicating the exam?"

Naruto nodded, but before he could respond, an explosion rang out. They were walking past Ikiraku's Ramon and looked over to see Konohamaru with his two friends Udon and Genmi.

Udon wiped the gunpowder dust off his glasses. "I told you we used too much gunpowder!"

Naruto laughed, and the three ninjas in training looked at him.

Kanohamaru looked at him. "Naruto-nii-chan! Are you going to play ninja with us today?"

Sasuke looked at him. "Really? A ninja playing ninja?"

Sakura laughed. "That's cute!"

Kanohamaru looked at Sakura. "Hey, Naruto-nii-chan, is she your, you knew?"

Naruto snorted. "No Kanohamaru-chan. She's not my girlfriend."

Sakura gapped as Kanohamaru sighed in relief. "That's good. She's as flat as a board."

Sakura's eye twitched and she clenched her fist.

Kanohamaru tilted his head. "And ugly too."

"That's it! Come here!" Sakura made a grab for the boy, but he ducked and ran away.

"Nope! You can't catch me, Ugly!" Kanohamaru said as he ran.

"Get back here!" Sakura yelled as she chased after the boy.

Naruto looked at Sasuke, who was very amused. When they met each other's eyes, they both burst out laughing.

Their laughter was cut short by Kanohamaru's scream. Naruto and Sasuke immediately ran to help.

What they found was Kanohamaru being held up by his scarf by a boy in a black jumpsuit with purple markings on his face and, cat ears? Okay. He also had a large bandaged thing on his back. Standing next to him was a blonde girl with four pigtails, white clothing, and a large fan on her back.

"Watch where you're going punk!" The black-dressed boy yelled.

"N-no. I'm sorry! It's my fault he ran into you!" Sakura stammered.

Sasuke walked up and glared at the boy. "Put Kanohamaru down."

The unknown boy sneered. "Why should I?"

Before Sasuke could answer, a new voice spoke up. "Kankuro. Put the child down."

All eyes looked up to see a redhead standing upside down on the tree. He wore red and white robes and had a large gourd on his back. The kanji for 'love' was carved onto the left side of his forehead.

The boy in black, Kankuro as his name turned out, started shaking. "G-Gaara. I-I was just about to."

The moment he dropped Kanohamaru, the small boy ran and hid behind Naruto.

Gaara glared at the blonde girl. "Tamari, why didn't you stop him?"

The blonde girl, whose name was evidently Tamari, started to shake as well. "U-um."

Naruto clapped his hands. "It doesn't matter whether she stopped him or not. What's important is that Kankuro let go. Right Gaara-chan?"

The two other sand siblings gapped. They were sure that their younger brother was going to kill this boy for calling him -Chan. Gaara didn't even let his siblings call him that.

The thing was, they hadn't tried since Gaara started talking with Naruto. Gaara now had no problem with if his siblings gave him honorifics.

As for the Leaf genin, and genin in training, they were shocked to hear Naruto call a stranger -Chan.

To the sand and leaf ninja's surprise, as Kanohamaru had run off to join his friends, Gaara smiled. "Ah. Naruto-chan."

Gaara went up, yes up, into the tree and appeared in front of Naruto. "What a pleasant surprise."

Naruto smiled and gave him a hug. To the sand siblings, they thought that this wasn't the real Gaara.

What was even more surprising to them was that Gaara hugged him back! They had never been able to hug Gaara.

Naruto let go and smiled. "I'm glad I get to meet you in person."

Kankuro gapped. "What is going on? How is that kid not dead!"

Naruto's teammate flinched. Sakura looked at the sand siblings. "Wait, what! Dead?"

Tamari nodded. "We're Gaara's siblings, and even we haven't been able to hug Garaa."

Sasuke blinked. "This is confusing." 'First the Mizukage, and now this kid. How does Naruto know all these people?'

Tamari cleared her throat. "Um, Gaara. How do you know this kid."

Gaara looked at her with no emotion in his eyes. "That's not something you need to know."

Naruto gently hit Gaara on the back of the head. "Be nice to your siblings!"

Gaara rolled his eyes, but he didn't say anything.

Before they could continue talking, a man with similar markings to Kankuro came up to them. "Gaara-sama, Kankuro and Tamari, we need to go."

The sand siblings nodded. Before they went, Naruto thought to Gaara. 'I've made a mental link between the two of us. I'm doing this for all of us jinchuriki. When we're close, we can talk like this.'

Gaara blinked and gave a slight nod, making it clear he understood.

As the sand ninja left, Sasuke and Sakura looked at Naruto.

"Explain." Sasuke said, his arms crossed.

Naruto smiled at them. "It called connections Sasuke-kun. Connections." Naruto walked off waving his arms like a wave. He turned a corner and vanished.

Sakura sighed. "What do you think our chances are that we'll get anything out of Naruto?"

Sasuke stared at the spot where Naruto vanished.  "Not high. Not high at all."

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