Ch. 17

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Trigger warning: Death, sickness, murder.

A sickly new proctor came out. The leaf ninja recognized him as Hayate Gakko. Naruto glanced at Gaara and Fuu.

'That guy looks really sick. Should he be here?' Fuu asked.

'I don't know.' Naruto responded.

Hayate cleared his throat, and this resulted in him having a coughing fit. Once he finished, he said. "For the next part of the Chunin Exam, you will be fighting in one vs one battle."

Several people protested. "Are you kidding me? We just got out of the Forest of Death!"

"Silence!" Hayate shouted.

Once the genin stopped talking, Hayate continued. "As I was saying, you will be doing one ve one matches. If you don't wish to fight, you can forfeit now. This will not cause your teammates to forfeit too."

A silver-haired boy with glasses sighed and walked away. His teammates protested, but he said he didn't want to fight.

Naruto looked at his team, and the two of them nodded.

Hayate sighed. "Aright. Once we do the one vs one, the winner will make it to the finals."

Once the matches were posted Naruto looked for his team's names. He saw that Sasuke was fighting some guy from the Sound. Sakura got to fight Ino. Thanks to all the training she did, she was able to defeat her with little problem.

Naruto saw that he was fighting Kiba. He smiled. This was going to be fun.
After Sasuke's match, which he won easily, and Sakura's, which she also won. They waited up on the banister to watch Naruto's match.

Kiba laughed. "This is going to be easy."

Kiba charged at Naruto and tried to punch him. Naruto was easily able to dodge and jumped back. He crossed his fingers and created a series of clones. Under the cover of the smoke the clones made, Naruto turned half of them into shurikens.

Kiba charged at him again and the two of them threw hands for a few seconds, and Naruto jumped back when Akamaru tried to bite him.

Naruto chucked the shurikens at the pair and they were easily able to dodge.
The clones then transformed back and chucked their own shurikens at Kiba and his dog.

When Kiba tried to dodge them, they transformed into clones. They punched Kiba in the gut and were able to knock him out of the ring.

Naruto walked over to him after the match was called. He held out his hand for Kiba to get up. "Sorry about that. Are you okay?"

Kiba scoffed, but he did take Naruto's hand. "Whatever."

Naruto gave him the smile that only he could pull off. "I'm glad I got to fight you."

As Naruto watched Garaa's fight with Rock Lee. He noticed how well Garaa was able to control Shukaku.

When Fuu finished her battle Naruto gave them his address and told them he wanted to talk to them.

Now, Naruto was waiting for them in his room. He had cleaned up his apartment, and he was pacing back in forth.

When he heard a knock on his door, he tried to stay calm. When he opened it, he saw both Fuu and Gaara. He could tell that something was wrong by looking in Gaara's eyes.

As they sat down at the table, their foxes crawled and sat on their laps. Gaara noticed that Naruto's fox had nine tails. Their foxes still only had one tail.

Naruto looked at Gaara. "Gaara. What's wrong? I can tell it from your eyes."

Gaara took a deep breath. "The Sand and Sound are planning to attack the Leaf."

Naruto and Fuu's eyes widened. Fuu gasped. "What! Why?"

Gaara put a hand on his fox. "My sibling and I were told the plan. I'm meant to transform into Shukaku during my match in the finals. This is to kill all the ninjas in the stadium."

Fuu clenched her fist. "But why? I thought the Kazakage wanted peace!"

Gaara looked at her. "He does. My father does want peace, but he's no longer in charge."

Naruto narrowed his eyes. "What do you mean by that?"

Gaara took a deep breath. "I thought that something was wrong with my father when he started talking to my siblings."

Fuu blinked. "I don't understand. He talked to your siblings, and that set you off? Why?"

Gaara looked down. "My father hasn't talked to my siblings for years. Not only that, but he was kind. He's never kind."

Naruto growled. "So why is he doing this."

Gaara looked at him. "It's not my father doing it."

Fuu tilted her head. "Huh? But you said-"

Gaara stopped her with a glance. "One night, I used my sand eye to spy on my father. What I found was that he was dead."

Naruto gasped. "What?"

Gaara looked at him. "Orochimaru killed my father and he's been hiding in his body. He's the person who wants to attack the leaf."

Naruto growled. "So he caused problems for you too, huh."

Fuu looked at him. "What do you mean by that?"

Naruto petted his fox. "While my team was in the Forest of Death, we ran into Orochimaru. From what Kurama and I figured out, he wanted to study my seal." As he said this, Naruto touched his stomach. "He also wanted to place a curse mark on Sasuke-kun."

Fuu started to shake in anger. "I hate Orochimaru."

Naruto put a hand on her shoulder. "Calm down Fuu. If we rush in, then there's a good chance that we'll die."

Fuu looked down. "Okay. But what do we do?"

Naruto looked at his fox. "We can't rush out. What I think we should do is meet with the other jinchurikis. If we work together, then we can beat him."

Gaara nodded. "I believe that you will be training with your godfather."

Naruto nodded. "I want you two to make sure that you stay safe. I'll tell the other jinchuriki about what might happen." The one and seven-tailed jinchurikis nodded. After they left, Naruto fell onto his bed.

'Did I do the right thing Kurama?'

I think so. You should go find Jiraiya. You should get right to training. I want to make sure that we can beat Orochimaru into a pile of snake scales.

Naruto sighed. 'I hope you're right. I'm going to find Pervy Sage tomorrow. I want to learn some new jutsu.'

Kurama sighed. Alright, kid. Get some sleep.

Naruto rolled over and fell asleep. He hoped that his team would be okay.

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