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A/n: contains curses at your own risk

Alesha wasn't the kind to yell out or fangirl loudly but, she definitely was vibing. When the concert was nearing its end, Harry had the music tone down for sometime as he said he had something to say.

" I heard there's a girl in her wedding dress. Is she here?" Harry asked with a sweet smile. A girl frantically waved her hand. " Okay. Hello there. So what's your name?" He continued as he waved at her. " Priya" she yelled. " Pri..?" Was all Harry could hear. " Priya!" She yelled again. " Priya?" He asked unsure, earning himself a nod.

" Well then I couldn't let this opportunity go waste. Priya... Will you marry me?" He joked. The crowd went wild with screams. " Just so you know, that name is Indian as well" Alesha muttered as a wide smile made its way. " Really?" He asked. " It's like all indians are present here" he continued. " You should see her dress, it's beautiful" Alesha said indicating at the girl. "It looks so heavy" he said.

" Welcome to the Indian dressing" she said sarcastically. " You aren't dressed like that" he pointed out. " I'm on the lazier side. But I do wear it too. Just not a lot" she answered. " Your outfit looks more k-pop type if I'm being honest " jungkook said carefully framing his sentence. " Well, I just mixed and matched" she shrugged.

" Tskk, attention seeking shits" the man in front of them said again making her blood boil. " Well you're the actual person bullshit ting you dumb fuck" Alesha spat out angrily at the man in front. Jungkook sat back laughing at the comment she made.

" Another attention seeking whore" the man said grinning. " Say that again and I'll make sure to stuff those gross teeth of yours so far up your ass that you won't even be able to brush them" she threatened.

" You little bitch" the man growled. " Watch what you say" jungkook said adding a fierce glare. For some reason the man shut up and turned away tapping on his phone.

" Gee thanks" Alesha said. " You're welcome. He was speaking nonsense to begin with. Where did you even get that line to begin with?" Jungkook asked smiling. "Oh you wouldn't like my answer" Alesha said cracking her neck muscles. "Why not?" he asked. "You wouldn't like it" she repeated. "I want to know" he insisted. "A fanfiction. Taekook to be precise." she answered. "No  need to go any further. I get it" he said with a disinterested face. "Warned you" she said with a chuckle. "And I'll thank you for that" he said.

A/n: Watch out for the next chapter

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