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The concert soon ended and Alesha walked out with the aforementioned members as Jungkook introduced her to his friends. And they got along just fine. When they were saying their goodbyes to each other, a hand grabbed Alesha harshly by the shoulder and turned her around. A fist landed straight on her face making some blood ooze out of her nose. Alesha who was on the floor, calmly sat up and wiped her blood away. She got up and looked at the assailant that came in a group. 

"You said what? Shove my teeth up my ass? Bitch" a voice said from behind the assailant, laughing off on the last part. "Gee, Jungkook you jinxed me. He really came with thugs" Alesha laughed ignoring the earlier annoying voice, making Jungkook and his companions just as confused as he was. "How old are you? Can't even fight your own fights?" Alesha said turning to look the female assailant square in the eye.

The assailant was about to hit her again but, Alesha was faster this time. She punched the lady in the face making her fallback on to her groupies. Alesha overthrew the other one that charged at her. "How slow are you guys? I could do this all day" Alesha said faking a yawn. "Bitch just die" The earlier man charged with a knife. Alesha shrugged and dodged making him fail aimlessly in the air beside her.

"And who were you calling bitch?" Alesha said kicking him in the back. "I told you I can curse worse than you can Mr. Bastard" Alesha said stepping harshly over his hand that held the knife. "What a waste of a lovely knife" Alesha said kicking it away. Another few of the group tried to charge and failed miserably. "Could you call the police?" Alesha said looking at the members who stood there awestruck. Taehyung nodded as he took his phone out. 

"What even is your vendetta against people just living their life?" Alesha asked. "Fuck you" was all the man under her foot said. "Wrong answer" alesha said stepping on his foot a bit harder making him groan in pain. 

That's when one of them was about to stab her but fell back as an unknown person hit him away. "Thik ho? [Are you alright?]" the other man asked and she nodded. "Tum wahi ho na ohho waali? [You're the one that sang the continuation to our song right?] he asked nervously and she nodded again. "But ye kyu tumhare piche pade hai? [But why are they after you?]" he asked. "He was speaking shit about you guys when you yelled the song and I back answered him" she answered. "All of them?" he asked. "Nope, only this one. He called the rest on me" Alesha said stepping a bit harder making him whine under her foot. 

"The police is on their way" Taehyung said. "Thanks" she said to him. "Sorry, I should have reacted earlier" Jungkook said. "Nah, it's alright. I offend people almost on a daily basis" she shrugged. "He's your friend?" Taehyung asked. "He's a part of the group that yelled the song during the interval" Alesha smiled. "So technically yes" the boy added extending a fist in her direction which she fist bumped. 

"We'll stay till the police arrive" Jungkook said and Hobi nodded."It's alright. I can do this" she said assuring them. "You sure?" he asked. "Yeah" she smiled. "I still think we should stay" Hobi said. "Me too" Jungkook agreed. "She seems strong enough to me" Taehyung said in awe.

"Gee, thanks" Alesha smiled. "And don't worry she has me" the boy said. "And I can fight and protect. Taekwondo" he added. "Me too" Alesha said high-fiving him. " You sure?" Jungkook asked and she nodded. "Well then bye?" Taehyung said and she smiled as she waved them bye. 

"Lucky you. You got to meet  famous idols" the boy said. "Would've been good without these shits" Alesha added. "True. Your name?" he asked. "Alesha. You?" she said. "Dhruv" he answered. That's when Jungkook came running back.

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