Chapter 1

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Third person pov

The buzzing of her is what startled the blonde  firefighter out of her slumber. Hiding her head under the pillow she she groaned, moving her pillow to the side while sitting up and reaching over to shut the buzzing off the captain took a deep breath.

"Another day, okay here we go, up we get" trying to force herself awake as she made her way to the bathroom, she done her business, brushed her teeth, put her hair in a ponytail and got ready for a run. Since it was only 5:30 and she didn't need to be at the station until 7 Maya made her way out the door for her morning run.

Unfortunately she didn't get that much sleep but what can she do. Not only does she have insomnia but she has a 24 hour shift today and the way her team have been behaving she'd rather not deal with their childish behaviour.

As each foot hit the concrete all Maya could think about was three months, three months is that all. She was so frustrated that because she wanted a promotion for herself that everything changed, some for the better and some for the worst. The captain pushed herself this morning just wanting to take the anger and frustration out so she doesn't blow up on her family.

'Can I still call them family? Are they still my family' these thoughts have been circling the blondes head for the past few months. Yes she still loves them and would do anything for them but the one time she wanted to do something for herself, without her fathers influence or friends helping her along the way she gets punished for it.

They didn't know she was taking the captains exam hell they didn't know she took the lieutenants exam but that was because she was afraid of not getting it. She didn't want to be the failure that her fathers voice was telling her she was, she didn't want her friends taking pitty on her. No she wanted to do this by herself and for herself. And guess what yep she did it she got it and passed with flying colours.

The price however of doing so was losing her family at 19. They seen and still see it as a betrayal, 'the job should've been Andy's' that's what they all said but the didn't say that when Jack was going for it did they no. The job then could've been anyones. Just so happen that with the competition between jack and Andy and the drama that went with it. There was an opening, a sliver of light that the now captain saw and of course she took it.

As these thoughts continued to race round mayas head throughout her run like the have the past three months. Same thoughts different day. The sorrow and frustration she was feeling drifted away. The new feeling. Happiness. She was happy possibly for the first time in her life or the first time she actually slowed down and took it in. The breath of fresh air that helped the blonde get through each day. Her smile, her laugh, her giggle, the look in her eyes when she talks about something or someone she loves, her passion. Just her. Her light, her happiness, her Italian, her Carina. Her everything.

With a smile of her face maya came to a stop at her apartment she had ran for an hour and 15 mins. She didn't mean to run that long, she only had another 15 mins to get to the station.

Maya stripped off took a quick shower. Thank goodness she is a custom to taking quick showers at the station. She got ready grabbing her bag, phone and keys, thinking that she didn't have time she'd just make her protein shake at the station she paused. Knowing she has forgotten something but couldn't figure out what until she felt her phone vibrate in her hand. An immediate smile appeared on the blondes face.

Carina 🥰: Bongiorno Bella, how are you doing this morning? xo

Maya: Hi beautiful, I'm good just back from a run and now o think I'm gonna be late to work. How are you this morning bella? X

Sending off her quick reply the firefighter ran out of her apartment, locked the door behind her quickly ran down the stairs and made her way to the station.

As she walked into the station she had a few minutes to change and make her shake. As she was making her way up the the beanery by the sound she knew everyone was here. Though and her presence became known the team stopped talking making excuses to leave. Saying they needed to change or get ready for line up and chores. Maya just sighed feeling deflated as she made her protein shake.

Making her way down to the barn with the duties and chores lined out for the day the captain shouted through the station "19 line up".  In her pocket she felt her phone vibrate once again, knowing who the message was from a little smile made its way onto her face. As quick as it appeared it quickly went as she saw the confused faces of her team why she was so happy giving travis bathroom duties and Vic desk duty. Finishing up she shook her head and made her way through to reception into her office with another big sigh as she sat down.

"It's all going to be okay. It's all going to be okay" she kept repeating to herself wanting to get through these next 24 hours without any problems.

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