Chapter 19

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The spaghetti dinner pt3

Driving back to the station was quiet, Maya was in a good relaxed mood. A little nervous about later but all in all feeling good.

Vic on the other hand was needing to talk to Andy. After Maya left to find her girlfriend who apparently everyone at the hospital knew about and knew about their relationship, she heard nurse Sandra say to the nurse beside her "god I wish I had a relationship like theirs."

"Same, just the other day I saw them together. The Captain was picking up Dr... apparently they were going for take out a a drive to the beach" unfortunately Vic couldn't catch the last name of the Dr. Just as she was about to hand back another nurse came by.

"What we gossiping about now" he questioned getting down to their level as they were sitting down.

"Oh just Captain Bishop and"

The male nurse cut her off "say no more, ugghh I'm so jealous of their relationship, I wish I had someone who looked at me the way they look at each other."

"Yeah" both female nurses sighed looking towards the direction the blonde went. Vic had had enough and handed them the paperwork back and left. She didn't have to wait long for Bishop to returned, she did however notice a smile that the blonde was trying to hide.

'Maybe I'm being to hard on her. Look at her she's happy. I've never seen her like this before. I miss her. I miss our friendship' the last two thoughts came into her mind as the reached the station. Jumping out Maya spoke.

"Hey I'm sorry I left I just had to umm" she's nervous, she doesn't know what to say. Maya was... is never nervous.

"It's okay you had to let your girlfriend know about Matteo right."

"Yeah thanks" with that Maya walked towards her office and Vic headed towards the beanery.

Ben was the first to spot her "please tell me Matteo is okay" saying this caught the eyes of the rest of the team.

"Oh yeah he's good, he actually told his group leader what to do to help. It was kinda cute too he also gave his friend a little hug before we left and said he hoped he'd feel better soon. He is actually the sweetest kid I've ever met"

*cough* *cough* "other than Pru" she said with a smirk towards Dean.

Laughing "with his mama a Dr, with his Uncle and the rest of the hospital as his family also with Maya being Maya that doesn't surprise me."

For the first time Dearborn spoke about about the situation. "Who is this little boy and the connection to Bishop?" She questioned as she sipped her drink.

"Oh Mayas son" Travis said as if it was everyday, common information.

Spitting her drink out shocked "Excuse me what, I didn't know she had a son"

"Well he's technically her girlfriends but Maya has taken on the roll of his mommy right" Dean commented looking at Warren for confirmation.

"Yeah pretty much."

"Wait back up Maya, the women who's downstairs, the women who doesn't let any of her hook ups stay over and kicks them out, and calls them Wednesday Bishop is in a relationship and has a son."

"Oh yeah I forgot you too hooked up" Andy mentioned. It was then that Andy noticed Vic getting her attention. Leaving the team with Dearborn to catch her up on what they knew which to be fair wasn't much.

"Hey what's up" Andy asked as the made their way towards the bridge.

"When did you talk to Maya?" Vic blurred out.

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