Part 3

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Sitting on a spanked butt definitely sucks but eating veggies eek.. Definitely Mr. Hubby is glaring at us to finish eating. "aishu pack ur bags after eating" aarya said. "what, is brother coming home" aishu s face paled when I said that. Yeah u guessed right my brother is aishu's sweet hubby. As one is not enough both them are twins in character. Aishu is going to get it from him. Aah!! Poor aishu..!!
We finished eating and started packing. We were so sad it was wonderful living in same home. We took bag and went downstairs at same time brother came and I ran to hug him. "hey, stop kiddo" aishu was standing awkwardly he went and hugged her. After some time spending together they took leave. Aishu hugged arya. Both them reminded to be good.

1 week later
Ugggh!! It definitely sucks to be alone.. My hubby is busy with hospital work leaving poor wife to misery. Loneliness always leads to trouble. Yeah.. I came with a perfect idea for spending time. Yup aaryan has a bike in garage with no use to him.. Yeah iam going for a ride with his baby. As u know he won't approve of me to take it but me being me iam on road with bike in full speed.. Yeah y girls can't have the fun!! Now I was testing how much fast I can go but went sudden halt when l lost control seeing a truck coming my way i turned my bike to side and screamed when I fell from it. Everything happened in a blur as ambulance took me to hospital I was in pain and was screaming luckily I escaped with some bruises on my legs and arms.

At hospital:

Aaryan was informed about her accident from police. He was worried about her condition. Aaryan ran to her when she arrived. His concerned demeanour changed to calm and cold one when he found out what happened. He took her to th e room and told nurses to get things. He cut her pants with scissors to see wounds and started to apply antiseptics. She started to wiggle  from his hold and screamed her lungs out. "aahh take it away.. I don't want it... Pls..."
"you don't have a say in it.. Nurse  hold her down.."  nurses held her legs while he tended to the wounds she was struggling and crying from the pain.
  He left after tending to her. his cold  face scared her and hurt at same time..

           I hate it here... I'm so screwed. He is not showing any sympathy  😔.
     "nurse, get the tetanus shot". My heart jumped when I heard his words. What?? Shots I'm Hella scared of shots no way am getting it without a struggle.
"please aarya... Please.. I don't want it.."
"archana, turn that side and lower your pants"

"no......... I won't do it...."

"don't make hold you down, achu..

I scampered away from him before I can get away he signalled  nurses.

They came as a team and wrestled my pants to thighs. I was fighting but they held me firmly.
" please... No... "
Aaryan wiped my butt with alchohol and pierced needle.
"aah...... Stop...."
I cried harder from the pain and shame of everybody holding.. They can see everything.. He up warded my pants and held me in his arms.. "shush.. Its over baby.. Don't cry.." he rocked me in his arms.. "they saw everything.. So embarrassing.. Y did u do that to me...??"
"they all are professional.. Its not a first time.. And u made this  to you.. He gently kissed my forehead and told me to rest so that we can leave after his work..
  I'm not looking forward to going home when he gets full story of what happened I'm definitely going to die.

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