18. "you better delete it by morning"

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turns out that its harder than it seems

we saw the cctv a hundred times, checked the routes of the shipments, checked the men/women involved in the shipment and all we got was

nada, nothing, zero

we have been in this room for eight hours now

"contact, Kelly, she is good at hacking stuff than me, ask her if she can get anything we cant" I order my med who nods and walks out

I replay the video again and try to find something

then my phone starts ringing again

it has not stopped ringing since hours

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT?" I shout as I pick the phone

"b...berry?" came Angelo's scared voice

"fucking shit" I mumble and say in a calm tone breathing deeply "Angelo, love, what happened?"

"you are late, I was Worried" he said in a small voice

fuck I don't think I can leave today I taught as I see the piles of files needed to be signed and checked

"love, I may work overtime today, is there anyone beside you right now?" I ask calmly

"uh-uh, papa and Xander are with me" he says

"well give the phone to Massimo please, the other one is a dick" I say

"ok, and don't curse" he said passing phone

"hello, baby, where the hell are you, your mom and I were worried sick" Massimo said "even us" shouted all my brothers I guess

"I am at the headquarters, I have some urgent issues to deal with, I might not be able to come home early, just lock the door and sleep I have spare keys, also make sure someone sleeps with Angelo, he is scared of sleeping alone" I say in one breath

"you want our help honey?" he asked

"NAH... nothing I cant handle .............or that's what I think" I say seeing the whole messy office

"just make sure you are safe" I say and cut the call

Time to work


"will you just calm down, you are not helping at all behaving like that" Alex shouts at me


"I know, do you think I a don't care about him? huh? you stressing out will make things worse" he said catching me with full force making me stand at one place

"now follow me breath in......out......in ......... out....." he said as I closed my eyes trying not to lash out

"better?" he asked after some time

"yes," I sigh

"look, we know you want his memory back but even if he doesn't gain his memory nothing is going to change, you, we all will still love him the same" he said

"I know, I just... I don't know, just overthinking again I guess" I sigh

"all you need now is some rest, I will ask some one to drop you at the house, I will stay tonight, rest well ok?, you might be my boss but you still are an 16 year old girl who needs her rest" he said and walked out

after a few minutes I was on my way back home in my car

as I park the car I go to the door unlocking it and quietly creeping in

I go straight to the kitchen and open the fridge for some water as I did not eat anything excluding half of breakfast

as I open the fridge I see a pate of pasta wrapped with a sticky note on it

"I know you will return home hungry princess, so, heat it up, eat it up ~~mom" it read

I smiled a little at this heartwarming gesture

coming home hungry was not something new to me but having someone to make something was definitely something I could get used to

after I heat and ate it I went to my room to see the bed empty

so I searched every room until I found Angelo and Alexzander cuddling like babies

now, it is not everyday you see your strict cold face bro cuddling with cute face so I quickly took a picture and saved in in my phone just as I turned to leave the room

"you better delete it by morning" I heard him say

"you are not sleeping?" I whisper

"I was but then I sensed you creeping in, I am not the Capo for nothing" he whispered back

"well, god night" I say and kiss Angelo's forehead and leave the room


"WHO THE HELL DID THIS?" I shout as soon as I am out of the shower

some fucking idiot decide to change my shampoo to red dye

"WHAT THE FUCK, FUCKING SON OF A BITCH WHO EVER IT IS BETTER NOT GET IN FRONT OF ME" I hear Xander shout as he comes out of his room with hot pink hair

"WHICH OFFSPRING OF MINE IS THIS STUPID?" I hear Massimo shout as he comes out of his room with green hair

"fuck this shit early in the morning, what the hell is wrong with you people?" Xavier entered the hallway rubbing his eyes

he saw the three of us then at the hallway he burst out laughing

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