28. 'as long as you are here with me'

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So here I am

In the corridor finding way to canteen so I can finally meet Angelo

After four long hours

I officially hate school again

When I finally find it, I go in to see Angelo sitting in the middle of te room with Xavier and Xander

"hey, Gelo, how was your day? I missed you" I say hugging him from behind kissing his cheek

"it was great. I met Lucas again," he says

"I still don't like him" I mumble

"huh?" he asks again

"nothing" I say down

"hey, thank you for actually noticing us, our day was great thankyou" Xavier said sarcastically

"really?" I ask and fake gasped

He just huffed munching on his burger

Just as I was about to munch on my own lunch the door opened and in came Neron and his two friends along with that girl

"why dose the world hates me?" I mumble to myself

To my luck they don't even glance at me or anyone and head to the other end of the cafeteria to eat on their own

And so it was a peaceful lunch

After four more hours of torture we were in car

Finally going home

Or so I taught

When I was about to exit the locker room and go to parking lot get into the car when I heard a faint scream of a girl

Me being me I just ignored and started to walk away when I heard her shout 'no, don't do this' loudly and no matter how cold hearted I am I will never let a girl be harassed against her will so I went towards the voice

While walking I test Xavier not to wait for me and I will be back on my own

As I neared the area I see it was two guys, around age of 40 trying to force themselves on a girl

That girl was none other than the one I met in the art class, was crying and trying her best to fight back so I decided to help

I quickly took the dagger from my boots and threw it at the wall right beside the ear of a man who was about to rip her dress off

"fight someone of your own strength fools" I shout

"nice, a tough bitch, jolly, make sure she doesn't run away while I deal with the hot one" the man said throwing the girl to who I guess is jolly

"bring it on bitch, I lost the feeling of fighting some real person and not training with a punching bag" I say punching him in the guts

"bitch" he says punching me on my face


"idiot" I mutter and kick him in his family maker making him shout

Before jolly can come at me I took my dagger from another boot and threw at his tight so he fell down

"make sure you never appear in front of me again, or the dagger will be stuck somewhere where even pulling it out hurts more than digging in which will also hurt, never force yourself on a weak, defenseless girl again" I say pulling my dagger out of his thigh and wall and putting it in my bag

"you, come with me" I order the girl as she immediately dose as told

After walking till an empty classroom, I make her sit in the desk and as her "do you have any injuries?" to which she nods pointing to her chest

"can I see?" I ask and she nods again as I remover her top to see the man kicked her on her ribs leaving a huge nasty bruise

I should have hit him more

"let me help you" I say and take the mini first aid kit from my bag

I carry it always for times like this or if I and Angelo are injured

"thank you" she whispered as I clean her wound

"its fine," I say "at least I could save some one else from being molested as I clearly did not save myself" I mumble as I recall the first time max rapped me

"learn how to defend yourself," I say and walk out

Then set off to my home

By the time I am home it was six and as soon as I was in I was attacked by a hug my mom

"what happened?" I ask

"where were you, your phone was off, you were late, I was worried sick" she said pinching my ear

"Oww, I was at school, doing something" I say trying to get my ear out of her hand but she only pulled it harder

"next time, inform" she said and left my ear

"wow, that actually hurt" I say rubbing my ear

"that was mother for you" Alexzander said smirking at me

"she was once an assassin" dad said from the couch "the first we met, she kicked my d..." "say one more word in front of my children and I will gladly kick you again" mom shouted from kitchen making dad shut up

"how was your day?" asked Callum

"great" I say and go to my room

Just as I was about to close my eyes and rest my phone rang

"what is it?" I ask annoyed

"you coming to visit?" lily my assistant asked (legal job)

"nah, I have something to attend this week, manage for a week and your CEO will be back" I say and hung up

"now, lets set the underworld in chaos, black knight, here I come" I say with a sinister smile looking at myself in the mirror

Just then Angelo came in the room and looked at me

"that look on your face says that you are planning something' he states

'yes. Come here, I wanna ask you a few questions first" I say sitting on my bed and patting the space next to me for him to sit

"what is it?" he asks

"don't worry, just some simple questions" I say

"ok" he says

"first, do you like it here?" I ask

"yes, I love it here, mom always cooks the best food, dad and brothers are also very good to us, I wanna live here forever" he says beaming with happiness

"great, you are happy then right?" I ask hugging him

"yes, happy than ever" he says hugging me back

This was all I wanted

For him to be happy, after all we went through from childhood, all I wished was for happiness and we finally got it

But as they say, nothing ever lasts forever

And I know it is true

After all there is a bigger storm coming my way and this,

This is the calm before the storm,

"never loose tat smiles off your face, promise me Gelo, you will always be happy" I say hugging him

"I promise, and as long as you are here with me, I am sure you will always keep me happy, I love you" he said and kissed my cheek

'as long as you are here with me' his words made my smile drop

How I wish I could live up to his expectations

I am such a disappointment as a sister

Black knight making appearance in the next chapter

Who is excited

After all

If I am too shocked by the number of votes and comments

There might be a double update 

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