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Here is the update for you guys
Thanks for waiting so long for the update
🔥Hope it's worth it🔥


Hasna pov:

My Elli followed me like a hutch puppy behind me while sneezing constantly.

As we reached the kitchen,

"Elli, sit for 5min. I will prepare the steam for you" I said, to which he simply nodded his head.


We both giggled at the same time as we simultaneously sneezed, and our eyes sparkled as we stared at one another.

I shook my head while turning around with a twinkling smile and switched on the gas, started boiling the water in a big bowl by adding turmeric in it and closed it with a lid.

After boiling, I turned off the gas and took the bowl to the kitchen counter.

I spun around to call him only to see my Elli gazing at me adoringly.

I smiled shyly at him lowering my eyes yet he didn't budge and continuously ogling at me.

"E-Elli" I stuttered.

"Ha" He responded but still he is looking at me like he haven't seen me for years.

"Stop looking at me in that way...I'm feeling uncomfortable" I blushed and spun around while giggling to which he just chuckled at my sweet misery and voiced out..

"Just wanted to gaze at you as you are my sweet baby looking so gorgeous while doing chores for her wolfy..my giggling wifey..." my Elli uttered pleasantly which made me blush like a red rose.

"E-Ell...Stop it..I'm feeling so shy" I sheepishly murmured by hiding my face in my both palms to which he chortled at me.

"But, I would love to see your crimson face as much as I love you gigglemug" He said in his deep husky voice while walking towards me which made me still in my place with an intense heart beat.

I know he loves me as he confessed to me before but the way his eyes were staring at me is like he is pleading me to accept him.

And I with a shy smile, was about to confess my inner feelings to him but stopped when he said the most hurtful words to me..

"You don't need to love me, pondati. Because, I know you have never loved me the way I does" He uttered each and every word with so much intense anger in his voice, and grief was clearly visible in his eyes which broke my heart

Tears brimmed in my eyes, In an instant our happy moment changed into a sorrowfulness..

why he thinks in that way...why can't he understands my love through my actions towards him.

"E-lli.. "I was about to speak with a breaking voice but he interrupted me in the middle saying...

"I am feeling sleepy, so I am going." He said iratly and started walking towards our bed room without even giving me a glance.

How could he be like that...till now we both are in good but now why everything should get spoiled. Why can't he see the love for him in my eyes.

"Ah... Don't get late to come to be in my arms. I love to hold my gigglemug in my arms as soon as possible even though she doesn't like me because I can't breathe without her that too when she is with me " He leered at me and twisted his neck, left to our bed room leaving me with a tear stained face.

Married To My GigglemugWhere stories live. Discover now