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Hasna Pov:

I couldn't stop the tears from falling from my eyes anymore, each drop which was escaping from my eyes is the witness of my pain which I was holding back a few minutes ago as I don't want Cabir Anna to see me in a pitiful state.

Why did it have to hurt me so much, just by imagining how cruelly my family has insulted my husband just because he loves me?

Just by picturing it, made me feeling so painful, then how could my Elli had endured it when my family humiliated him. I am damn sure, he felt miserable and distraught at that moment.

Pondering about it made my chest ache for him. The CC camera recording flashed in front of my eyes making me feel more regret at my foolish decision to make him a love sick puppy for me but I didn't know that my Elli had already became one for me a long back ago.

My unique love sick puppy!!!!!!

My Elli!!!!!!!!!!

The love my life!!!!!!!!!!

Who would hurt their husband for their selfish desires?

I did!!!!

I hurt him and made him a complete smoker and a drunkard by destroying his health!!!!!

I am such a bad wife who didn't think in his point of view!!!!!

"Excuse me, Mam"

Hearing a feminine voice, I looked up with teary eyes and saw a girl who looks like a teenager was staring at me with concern. I stared at her back questioningly...

"Your phone was keep on ringing for the last half an hour. Could you please respond to it as it might be an emergency call for you"

I wiped my tears away with the back of my hand, I just nodded at her distractingly and looked at the phone which was on the table blaring loudly. I was about to decline the call as I was not in a state to attend any call, however, I halted, when my eyes caught the caller ID.


Shakily, I held the phone and swiped up to attend the call...

"Why the hell you are not attending my calls!!!!!!!"

A shrill voice boomed on the other side yet, like before I didn't flinched at his fierce voice instead my throat tightened as I struggled to speak, the words choked back by a tidal wave of emotion. Hot tears stung on my cheeks, leaving a salty trail in their way. My body trembled uncontrollably, as my every sob threatened to shatter my fragile composure.

"Speak up Dammit!!! Where did you went without informing me!!!" He enraged at me.

However, like before, I didn't get scared by him instead I felt loved and cared by him as I realized that behind his anger there is always a concern and worry for me. Gathering all my senses..

"I..I...I went out" I muttered slowly as a few tears rolled out from my eyes.

"I know you went out but I am asking where" He irked on the other end.

"Cof-fee" I stuttered not able to speak properly.

"Huff" He ended the call.

I stared at the phone with welled up eyes...


Hearing his voice I turned around, only to see him blazing in rage yet, I didn't care and let my tears fall freely from eyes in front him as I stared back at him with full of love.

Seeing my teary face, in an instant his face turned into warm and I without caring about my surroundings, I hugged him burying my face in his chest while silently weeping.

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