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Walking down the street without a care in the world, letting people pass by. Wind blowing as an angelic presence is seen. The world stands still in her wake, a one of a kind.

Suddenly a man was being held back, as a knife went through the bodyguard's hand. It was a disturbance. He was yelling about her ruining his marriage and how she should die, that his wife didn't like the fact he likes her.

Well people tend to dislike what they don't understand. Is it her fault for that.

She asks her bodyguard to call the man's wife. He was causing a scene. Moments later a lady, that seemed out of breath, was apologizing for his actions.

It turned out the man's assumptions were wrong. To the surprise of the husband, she was also a fan. The wife loved her too. The reason she was mad because he didn't buy the new poster for her, but for himself.

As the couple was reconciling she thought of something she could do for them. After getting their attention she offered tickets to her concert later that day, along with meet n greet passes. Sending them on their way, their gratitude for her help was overwhelming.

I mean, she did just save their marriage.

Perplexed by the events that just unfolded in-front of him, her head bodyguard couldn't help but wonder why she did it. It would have been easier to just send the man to jail. Anyone would understand, so why not.


Miss Amane was her partner for today's shoot. Amane has quite the distain for her, but it doesn't bother her. That is what they all say, of course. Denial, it is a beautiful disease. Some people revel in the chaos that ensues after it.

The obsession that is a result of it. Who doesn't love it, the idea to have the world wrapped around your finger. The choice to choose the fate of others.

She was heading for it. Almost there now. She knew it would be the same, it always is. She can't help it, help her. And how she brought the room. The love, the crazy, the excitement, the the life to the party. She was a beautifully complicated mess. And the world loved it.

She was on stage. Curtains open in five and she thought back on her reason for what she did.

The method to her madness.


"Why didn't you press charges?" He turns to observe her intrigued with her decision. "It was just a misunderstanding that's all." "You are very kind." "Nice yes, kind no." She smiled as she said this, slightly amused by his curiosity.

Him, on the other hand was confused he did not understand. "Why do you say that." "Because I did a move that would be beneficial to me in the long run." Now he was intrigued "Still I think it was a kind thing to do." "Your cute. Let's go." "I still don't see how it would be beneficial for you to make a move like that? You already have a lot of fans."

She stopped to look back at him, stalling for dramatic effect already knowing
her answer

"Is it my fault if I need it all?"

"Is it my fault if I need it all?"

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