Chapter 3: Lend a Helping Hand

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It was the same routine for the next few weeks and a few more years after that, but with different discoveries each time! Y/n couldn't count the number of times Ford had burst out laughing whenever they came across creatures they hadn't seen before. Y/n may have noticed something familiar knowing that she has lived here her entire life, but it is an exhilarating feeling to discover it with a friend.

Oh, they've become friends. Ford is relieved to have someone on whom he can rely, despite the fact that Y/n is a literal child, but she has proven to be more than that. He taught the kid how to defend herself, basic self-defense, and what to do in an emergency. Some might see it as a father-daughter relationship, but Ford does not. Instead, he prefers a master-apprentice dynamic.

Speaking of self-defense, Ford had nothing to offer in the subject at all. He skipped all the boxing training with his... and read a book instead. He was never really the violent type of guy and would often use his words. He's good with them. But he soon realized that sometimes, words just wouldn't suffice when encountering these creatures. He had to rely on his guttural instinct and critical thinking.

Although Ford was ashamed to know that he couldn't teach Y/n about fighting, he was relieved to see that she was understanding and told him that he shouldn't have to do anything like that. "I can't feel pain, remember?" And to remind him of the fact, Y/n had willingly bashed her head against the hard, thick bark of the tall tree.

He winced at the loud impact. Obviously, Y/n was fine, but still. Seeing that just sends shivers down his spine. "Yes, I recall. It's hard not to when you carelessly walk through deadly weeds and face monsters without an ounce of fear in your face."

"Heh," she sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck. "I'll try not to do that again to not scare you."

After a few more minutes, they heard a water current nearby and saw a riverbank. Y/n hurried as she took out her canteen and proceeded to get water from the river. Ford followed, removing his heavy backpack and refilling his water bottle after a sip. Y/n watched him in amusement, the way his huge glasses were skewed from drinking. Ford adjusted it back before raising an eyebrow at the kid who was still staring. "Yes?"

"Can I try it on?"

"What, my glasses?" When she nodded, Ford furrowed his eyebrows in confusion but removed it anyway, giving it to her. Excitedly, she stood up and grabbed it by the handles. She glanced up at Ford but he was squinting.

"Are you that blind-" she wore the glasses and everything went blurry and suddenly her brain hurt from the new vision. "Woah- oh crap!" She lost her balance and eventually fell into the river, her entire body getting soaked with water.

"Y/n, careful!" Immediately, Ford took the glasses off her face and back to his, tilting it a bit to his liking. "Y/n," he spoke. She was still sitting on the running water, shaking bits of water out her hair. Finally, she stood up, but Ford tensed when he noticed a slightly large green octopus clinging on to her arm. "Y/n," he regarded her slowly.

She tilted her head to the side. "What?"

"Don't panic, but there is an octopus with one eye on your right hand."




When Y/n looked behind her, all she noticed was the extra weight on her right arm. She shook it a little, and the creature's slimy limbs just crawled on her skin. She is not in pain, but the texture makes her uncomfortable.

Gravity Falls: Rewritten!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora