Chapter 14: Halloween in June

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Stan abruptly stopped the car after it had been carelessly parked. Everyone inside jumped out as the twins gawked at what was in front of them."Here we are," he began. "The Summerween Superstore!"

"A very special store for a very special occasion that only happens once a year," Y/n added sarcastically.

Dipper scratched his head confusedly. "Wait. Summer-what?"

"Summerween!" Stan responded confidently, bringing out a calendar. "The people of this town loved Halloween so much, they celebrate it twice a year! And wouldn't you know it, it's today!"

"Do you always carry that calendar in your pocket?"


Mabel placed a finger on her cheek in curiosity. "Summerween? Something about this feels unnatural."

Soos walked over to the twins and placed his arms around them. "There's free candy~!"

The two of them smiled at one another before sprinting to the entrance. The other three followed suit. Stan noticed Y/n looking mellow, so he nudged her. "Hey, you okay? Did you get enough sleep?"

"I'm not sleepy. It's just... Summerween."

"What about it?"

"Nothing," Y/n dismissed. "I'm sure I'll just sit this one out again, like the last decade."

He raised an eyebrow at her before averting his gaze to the main door of the store. "Well, this is your chance to get a convincing costume so that no one can recognize you. This is the first time we're buying fake blood with the kids! I'm sure they're excited to celebrate Summerween with you."

Stan and Y/n watched as the kids messed around with the items on the shelves before Dipper discovered a wagon. Mabel hopped onto it while wearing a pair of silly glasses. "Come on, Y/n, to the costume aisle!"

"Go nuts, kid," Stan spoke beside her, and with a smile, she followed the twins.

The older man couldn't help but feel sorry for her. He was well aware that Y/n had been suppressed since childhood. Growing up, she didn't really go through all the experiences that a typical kid should have. She had always been out exploring and discovering new things thirty years ago. She was already too preoccupied with building an interdimensional portal that connects to other worlds when she could have been going to school and making friends her age. She should have aged to someone with an older physique but nothing had changed over the last 30 years.

Stan went to the containers of fake blood and began lifting one, not realizing that it was slowly spilling to the floor due to a leak. Mabel had already chosen a costume and decided not to tell both her brother and friend. "You're gonna find out later!" she said.

The three of them continued to goof off, with Y/n not having this much fun in years. She and Dipper were both pushing on the wagon that Mabel was in, turning a sharp right into a pile of Jack O' Melons, crashing and breaking into laughter.

Suddenly, everyone heard a voice on the intercom. "Have the police come and eject the Pines family from the store?"

They quickly gathered everything they could just as Stan threw a smoke bomb right in front of her. "Not today!"

"My eyes!" The smoke was everywhere, and that's when they made their escape. Stan was carrying a gallon of fake blood, while Soos was carrying two more. Y/n had a huge burlap bag filled with knick knacks and other props hauled behind her, and Dipper continued pushing Mabel on the wheelbarrow.

"You paid for the stuff, right?" Mabel asked with a smile.

"Of course!"

He paid it all with a limited edition Stan Bucks (Totally not just drawn on scrap paper). One piece of it already costs 500 dollars. Stan was just that generous to let the store keep the change.

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