Chapter 8 - Meet Your Uncle

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I quickly get changed, do my hair and make-up. I'm taking over my first training class in half an hour. First students are going to be Omegas. I had a choice out of them or Deltas.

"Darcy, come here quick." I call out to her. She was just looking at herself in the mirror. She looks gorgeous in the simple, blue dress she's wearing. This reminds me we need to go shopping since we'll be staying here. We need clothes other than the ones they gave us.

She runs up to me, expecting my response. Her face shows happiness which only means she's starting to settle into this environment.

"Mummy has people to train today. You can stay with your uncle Tyler at the time which we're going to meet right now." I say. She looks confused and excited at the same time.

"Okay." She agrees simply, reaching for my hand. I smile at her. What would I do without her?

We walk out the room and through the corridors until I find, from what I remember Tyler's room. I knock on it, hesitantly. A few seconds later he opens the door. I look at him. His hair is the same colour as it was and so are his eyes. He looks even stronger than before on the night of the attack.

Without waiting for anything, I hug him. It's Tyler. It's really him! My brother... The only family I had left... The person I was looking for. He hugs me back immediately, so tightly, as tight as when he was letting me go.

Why does everything have to remind me of that day?!

I feel my eyes starting to water and that pain you feel in your throat before you start crying. It's not the time. I hold back my tears as best as I can, before breaking the hug. I look him in the eyes that are now puffy too.

When I first saw him, all I felt was rage and fury. I was angry at him, for not coming back to me and for making me go, leave in the first place. But now it's all starting to sink in. It's starting to finally sink in that the person I once had such a strong bond with, the Tyler I thought I lost, is here.

"Why are you two crying?" Asks a little girl's shy voice. Tyler finally achknowledges her presence.

"It's okay, honey. We're happy." I tell her. It's probably hard for a five year old to understand how somebody could possibly be crying if they're happy but she doesn't question it.

"Ty, this is my daughter, Darcy." I now tell him. I eagerly wait for his response. He furrows his eyebrows and thinks for a while.

"You... you and Lewis are together? Finally." He asks and then states. I nearly choke on my own saliva.

"No. She's not Lewis'... Obviously." I say. How ridiculous can he be? Seriously I thought he was smarter than this. He knows perfectly well me and Lewis are best friends.

He gives me a dissaproving look.

"Hey, if you think I was being a slu-" I start ranting but stop myself when I remember Darcy is next to me.

"Tyler, this is your niece and you're going to babysit her while I'm taking over training." I tell him.

His jaw drops. "Since when do you take over the training I'm supposed to be doing? And what the hell? Does she still wear nappies? How old even is she?"

I give him the look. "Since today, I always get my own way, brother." I say, then I sigh. "She's five Tyler... Five..."

"I don't wear nappies." Says Darcy, crossing her arms.

"Of course, darling. Just uncle Ty is a bit stupid sometimes, you'll get used to it. Now, I'll be back in about an hour. You two have fun now." I tell her, kissing her on the forehead.

She waves goodbye, quite happily as I leave her and Tyler that now looks like a vulnerable puppy. I couldn't stay much longer because I feel like if I did, I'd start crying again.

I go down the stairs to the last floor and outside to the big field they have at the back of the house. It's supposed to be a garden but it might aswell not be.

A few members are already there, warming up with Lewis. I wrap him into a hug as I come close enough.

He's not wearing a shirt or vest and just some shorts. His hair is more messy than usual, but a good kind of messy. A hot messy. He gives me a kiss on the forehead as he always does and wraps his arm around me.

"You look hot today, Mr Davies. Trying to catch the attention of any ladies?" I ask, teasing by using his last name. He rolls his eyes at me and leads me a few steps away, telling the other to keep on going.

"Actually, I think I found my mate." He tells me.

Words can't explain how surprised I am... I mean, I knew it was going to happen soon but didn't realise it was that soon and not in this pack. I just completely forgot about it.

"Oh my God, Lewis. That's amazing!" I say in a hushed tone so others can't hear. "Who is she?"

"Well I'm not 100% sure she is my mate... just have a feeling. We won't know until we make eye contact." He explains. I nod to show him I understand.

"She's that Delta over there." He gestures. I smile at the familiar face. I saw her at dinner yesterday. 4th in command, not bad at all.

"I met her at dinner yesterday. She seems like a nice girl. I think she's a keeper." I tell him, elbowing him in the stomach.

It hurts him so he puts my arms behind me, holding on tightly. I giggle at that until I hear a familiar, husky growl. For some reason it's music to my ears and I feel the need to get close to him right away. Is this how fast the mate bond works? Because it's sure as hell working.

Lewis lets go of me without causing any trouble this time. Maybe now that he found his mate (most probably), he understands how jealous you can get. I lock eyes with Josh and I just so want to kiss him... Why?!

Lewis goes to the nearly full group of Omegas as Josh walks over to me. I stand there, not walking away, not walking closer. When he's close enough, it takes all the strength in me to not wrap my arms around his neck.

Control, control, control... Get a grip of yourself, I tell myself.

He leans forwards and kisses me though which once again makes my legs go weak. He predicts that, because he grabs onto my waist, supporting me. Before this can lead onto anything further, he stops and now walks over to the wolves finishing their warm up with Lewis, and leaving me disatisfied.

That's when I realise, I have less time than I thought.

Update... Yay :)
If any of you are confused about pack rankings, look up the greek alphabet and it tells you what the letters are from A-Z (Alpha-Omega) and those are basically the rankings.
Thanks for soo many reads! Means a lot!

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