Chapter 26 - Hidden Truth

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*Lewis' POV*
-Before the gathering on the battlefield

"I'm worried about you. What if you get hurt?" Asks Terry, her hands smoothing my shoulders seductively.

"I'll be fine and so will you." I answer her.

I have strong feelings for Terry, they're incredibly strong. Deep down I know this is only because we are mates though, I would have never fallen for a girl like her if it wasn't. When you find your mate, aren't you supposed to think about only them? Aren't you supposed to love only them?

Then why do I still think about Lexie every day, more than a best friend?

I've been trying to avoid her because when ever I'm around her, my feelings seem to make an appearance. When she went missing, the only thing I could think about was if she was okay and if I would ever see her again. When she came back I just couldn't get round to seeing her after that time. I was scared that I'd miss her even more from the time and the worry.

I spent a lot of time with Darcy back then. I haven't in a while so it was understandable but that wasn't the only reason. When I look at Darcy, I see Lexie. The little girl looks more like Josh with her brown hair and eyes yet I still see Lexie in her.

Terry doesn't really like Darcy that much. She's really nice to her but she's not much of a kid person. I don't think she loves Lexie either but that must be only because she's jealous. I think she got used to us acting the way we do by now anyway.

"We don't know that." She says, raching to kiss me but I pull away.

"Sorry, I just can't think at the moment. I'm... Worried." I tell her. She's still frowning at me and answers with an 'okay'. She has so understand, I mean, we could die today. Lexie could die and to add to that she's pregnant.

Josh already spoke to Lexie about the fighting and ordered her to stay out of it but she won't listen. He asked me to help and that's where I'm about to go right now. To the meeting room to talk Lexie out of it.

I hear a lot of people moving around outside and see a lot going underground. There's some panic but the majority are staying calm about the situation. This is it, it must be starting.

There's a knock on our door. "Lewis, Terry it's starting!" Shouts a voice belonging to someone I don't recognise.

"Come on then." I tell Terry, holding her hand to try and somewhat make up for the earlier incident.

We go outside to where a lot of men have already gathered. I look around and notice Kai and Emily so we go up to them.

"Have you seen Lexie?" Is the first thing I ask. I can feel Terry's eyes burn a hole on my back.

They both shake their heads and I curse under my breath. We don't wait long though until I notice Lexie, holding hands with Josh and looking around. They spot us and run over.

Josh tries to concentrate on finding out who is near the territory and confirms it's them. Everything happens so fast and we just stand behind them, supportingly as Eric's pack emerges and a discussion is held. I don't concentrate much on what they're saying though.

All that is on my mind is the safety of one girl and that isn't my mate.

*Josh's POV*
-Back to present time

Just the way he says my mother's name disgusts me. His grin is just soaked in venom. I evidently frown at him. Lexie was right: this guy is sick in the head. It's been way too long since he first took an interest in my mother so why is he bringing it up again now? All these years of planning and waiting for the perfect moment for that sweet revenge for what?

"Rebecca made her choice years ago and definitely won't change it. Leave, Eric." I say with a stronger voice than before.

He crosses his arms. "If that's how you want to play it, boy, that's how we'll play."

There's thick tension throughout the whole field after those words were spoken. Everybody is silent and still as if waiting for the first move.

You're not fighting, I tell Lexie through our mind link so that I'm not breaking the stare between me and the enemy. She looks at me, desperately and I can see it through the corner of my eye.

I'm going to be careful and you need all the help anyone can give, she answers me.

Lexie, the baby, I add sternly.

I know what I'm doing and getting into, everything will be fine just shut up, she argues. I almost roll my eyes at her stubborness.

Lexie, no! If you're that desperate to help, as soon as the fight starts, gather the kids from Eric's pack somewhere deeper into the woods. They need helping and at the end of the battle their parents can have them back, if they survive that... I tell her again. Without needing to look at her, I can tell shes frowning at me.

She doesn't have time to respond because Eric makes his first move.

Sorry, bit of a short chapter but early again and I have a reason for this. I'm going away for 4 days and I probably won't have wifi so I didn't know whether or not I would be able to update on Sunday so here.
This was a chapter focusing on sharing with you guys what Lewis feels because I think it's quite important.

THANK YOU FOR NEARLY 100k! That is just INSANE!! Thank you!!!🎉
Ily all! ❤️


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