27. Leaving

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My dad was happy when I came back, I took care of him well and he was back to his health. Everything was going good, it's been montg now. Initially it was difficult for me settling in. Most of the times I would get lost in my thoughts and father started getting worried for me so I tried to stay happy infront of me and when I would be in my room, I would cry. I don't know what I am crying for but my tears don't seem to stop until I would fall asleep.

There is something in my heart that is making me restless. I feel like I left a piece of me back there. Father asked me did anyone hurt me there but I didn't told him anything. I only told him about good memories mostly about Amanda and Beatrice. He was happy that someone was there to take care of me.

Thankfully Victor didn't came to meet me, Billy told me that Victor was still not fine. Achilles did numbers on him, he can't walk. It's temporary but he was embarassed that he got brutally beaten infront of all the villagers and hadn't come out since then.

I think I should go meet him but my heart is telling me not to. I didn't forget how he behaved with me. His parents both came to meet me and were happy to see me back. His father asked me so many questions about his location and everything but I just answered discreetly. I didn't tell him that I have the map to his village.

His mother asked me to come meet him but I declined politely. They also talked about our wedding which I has fogotten about. I still don't want to be his wife now maybe more then before.

One day a man came to our house he was Victor's best friend. He came to fetch me telling me Victor wanted to see me but I send him off. I don't want to meet him and nothing can change that.

Two months passed like that and I was now back to my old routine. Fetching bread in the morning, then doing all house chores, making breakfast, teaching Aria and Peter. It was all back to normal from outside but my inside were still... restless.

You changed me Achilles! I thought.

I was sewing my father's sweater as winters were coming, it would snow in few days. I had to complete it before winters.

I looked at the black cloak in my room hooked by the wall. It reminds me of Achilles everytime I see it. I couldn't find it in me to discard it. I even tried to burn it but stopped halfway.

A knock on the door came and I stood, it wasn't father he had gone to city market with billy. I opened the door and gasped at the person infront of me. I tried to close the door but his hand stopped me and the next moment he pushed me back and was inside the house, he locked the door and then looked at me.

"What are you doing?" I gritted with anger.

"You have become fiesty, my love" he smirked at me and took a step towards me.

"Stay away form me" I shouted at him.

"You are still my fiancé my love. Have you forgotten that? Should I remind you?" He said with evil grin and took a step towards me as I took a step back

"I asked for you several times but you didn't came. Can I ask why?" He said in a Dark voice.

"I didn't want to see you" I said in a small voice bit still firmly.

"Oh I see" he said and then take one more step towards me. I mimicked his moment and stepped back.

"Can I ask why?" He said and went to sit on the couch facing towards me.

"Like you don't know the answer" I said with anger. He started chuckling.

"Oh my little Flora, my naive sweetheart. You are mine" he stands and came towards me.

"I really thought I lost you" he said touching my face but I stepped away, he closed his eyes in anger and then took a deep breath.

"Are you still pure huh?" He asked and I looked at him with shock and anger

"It's impossible for a man to take you away and then left you back without doing anything to you. Its unbelievable right?" He said and I slapped him on his face.

"You bastard, how dare you! Not everyone in this world is like you and Achilles is nothing like you" I shouted at him and he looked at me with anger.

"I won't hurt you now but once we are married I will show you how I am" he gritted and then pushed me back as I fell on the floor. I looked at him as he went out after shouting one last time.

"We will get married soon so be ready, this time no one can stop me" he said.

"In your dreams" I shouted back.

As he left father came in and when he saw me on the floor he helped me up.

"What happened child?" He asked me looking all over me for any wound. I started crying putting my head on his shoulder.

"Father I don't want to marry him , I would rather die then marrying him. Please I can't" I cried and he patted my head.

"Then you won't marry him" he told me and I looked at him as he nods.

"Thank you father" I smiled through my tears. He smiled back.

"I will go talk to that son of a ..." He cursed.

"Don't curse father" I said through my tears and he chuckled.

"Alright my child, now lock the doors and only open it once I come back" he said and went out. I locked the door after him.

I made dinner for him and once he came back his knuckles were bruised. I took care of his wound and then we ate in silence. All this time I looked at him waiting for him to say something.

"We are leaving this village" he said breaking the silence and I looked at him.

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