Chp IIIV: Bonding/first team training

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Its only been a day since team 8 were announced as well as meeting our jonin sensei. Yesterday we introduce ourselves to each other and talk a few things about us. Today we meet Kurenai sensei at a training ground.

Y/N: Curious. So what do you guys think we're gonna do today for training?

Shino: For starters, our team leader would see if the four of use can work together. Otherwise we'll be heading back to the academy.

Kiba: Wait how did you know that?

Shino: You two didn't heard what Iruka sensei said...

Kiba and I look at each other before looking back and shook our heads including Akamaru.

Shino: Sigh. Obviously you didn't pay attention...

Hinata: I just hope Naruto group will be alright and pass.

Y/N: Put his hand on her shoulder. I'm sure Naruto and his group will be fine. What could go wrong for them?

Shino: We should probably focus on our group. Beside its like you said, they'll be fine.

3rd POV

Meanwhile with team 7

Back with team 8, they meet Kurenai sensei who gave the a test of their chakra as well as teamwork. Their first lesson is basic chakra control, simply focusing on chakra to your legs as you climb. At first they try to focus as they climb on trees but then the fell. She also mentioned to do that while walking up to the mountain by the end of the day before she vanished.

Kiba: So we just gotta get up there by the end of the day huh? Doesn't sound hard, Akamaru and I can run up there in no time.

Y/N: Haha! Not if I get there first.

Shino: we're supposed to get there together-

It was too late as Kiba, Akamaru, and Y/N ran towards the mountain.

Shino: They didn't let me finish...

Hinata: M-maybe we should go too.

Shino nods as they head towards the mountain.

Short time skip

The 4 genin members of squad eight were on the ground, their hearts racing, their breath thickening and their bodies sweating. They were exhausted, they had been tackling this challenge for hours now.

Hinata: I feel my chakra is drained...

Shino: My chakra is not much.

Kiba: I got a little bit, but enough go on.

The two turned to Y/n who stood regardless of him being tired. He closed his eyes and focused his chakra, when he finished he immediately jumped onto the mountain but fell again.

Shino:....Your wasting your little chakra...

Y/n: I'm not gonna give up.

Y/n and Kiba jumped onto the mountain side and maintained his footing for three seconds before falling off and landing on his back. Shino and Hinata stared at one another and looked back at the others who went on to jump on the mountain again but ended up with the same result.

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