chapter twenty-one.

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( MY GUT FEELING IS NEVER WRONG- SOMETIMES ) , deterioration of the fight or flight response + losing my religion.

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     JAMIE WAS CALLED BACK TO THE HOSPITAL AFTER HER TALK AT THE VET WITH AARON. She didn't know much; all she knew was that it was 911-Burke from Bailey and the Chief. 

     "Miranda!" Jamie used the woman's first name as she noticed Burke lying on the ground, blood coming from under him- and a lot of it. "What the hell happened?"

     "We need a gurney, now!" Bailey ignored the blonde, yelling out for anyone. 

     "Preston," Jamie tried to get the attending to look at her. "Preston, can you hear me? Burke!" When she got no response, she sighed. "Okay... let's get him into the ER and now or he's going to bleed to death."

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    In Denny's room, Izzie stood over the patient's body, his heart flatlining and she was doing absolutely nothing. The monitor was the only thing she could hear as she now fully came to the realization of what she did, ignoring the words of her friend's behind her. 

     "Izzie," George tried to get her attention. When the blonde did not move- not even an inch- he ended up pushing her out of the way and started CPR. "His heart is barely beating. We need to call a code. I can't feel a pulse, Ross, call a code."

     "No! I have a plan." Izzie protested, moving George back out of the way. "I have a plan."

     "What the hell do you mean, Stevens?" Ross cursed loudly as he moved closer to her and the patient. "He's flatlining- he's dying. Call the goddamn code."

     "No!" Izzie fought him off. "If we call a code, they will rush him into surgery and replace his LVAD and then he will stabilize. He needs to get worse if he's going to get this heart."

     "You're fucking crazy," He shook his head, looking between her and George. "This is crazy, call the goddamn code before we all lose our fucking jobs, now!" 

     Again, the blonde shook her head. "No. He has to get this heart. He will die waiting for another chance. You both know he will." 

     "We have to call a code!" Ross shouted once more. 

     "No!" Izzie screamed, pushing him up again the wall, anger in her eyes. "You press the code button; I will hurt you. Not a lot, because we're sort of friends but enough so that things will break, and you'll lie on the floor out of my way." 

     "Izzie..." George tried to pull the intern off the other, his attempts failing.

     "You have a decision to make. You two can stay here and help me with this or you can go. What's it going to be, Ross?"

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