chapter forty.

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( DOWNHILL SPIRAL ) , the becoming.

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"Good morning, Dr. Graham." Jamie smiled at the man as she entered his office. Her eyes were then drawn to another person, a woman sitting on the opposite side of the couch and her smile faltered a bit. But nevertheless she acknowledged the female, "Oh, good morning to you too, ma'am."

"Jamie, I'm Dr. Madden," The woman wasted no time and got straight to her point. "I'm going to be your new psychiatrist since your old one is retiring. It's very nice to meet you. I've read through your chart and spoken with Dr. Graham, ready to discuss a possible treatment plan for you this morning."

Jamie's stomach twisted at her words a bit but she forced a smile anyway. "Alright. What does that treatment plan include?" She questioned.

"Today I'm going to assess you in your work environment." Madden explained to her. "I know that yesterday was the first time your mental state has affected your work and I want to make sure that it doesn't happen again."

The blonde faltered a bit but nevertheless nodded. "Yeah, of course. H-how will that work exactly?"

"Well, I'm going to follow you around, see how you interact with patients, peers, etc. After that we'll go from there. It'll be like I'm not even there. Do you have any questions?"

Jamie took a deep breath and looked down at her hands, anxiety building up inside of her already. "Um, what happens..." She struggled to find the right words, looking to Graham for comfort- a sense of familiarity. "What happens if you guys, like, declare me mentally insane? What happens then?"

"Jamie," Her therapist interjected. "I can already tell that you're not mentally insane, alright? We just want to see how you do on a daily basis so we can build a plan to help you get better. Alright? No pressure."

"Okay. Okay, yeah. That makes sense." She nodded, uncertain. "Okay."

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"Who would like to present?" Erica asked the group of interns and residents. Every single one seemed to raise their hands as she held out the chart.

Alex was the first one to take it as the attending motioned for him to begin. "Uh, Kyra Marshall. History of end-stage cardiomyopathy and COPD, now awaiting a heart transplant but her antibody levels were so elevated she was in danger of rejecting any donor heart."

"And so how did we counteract that?"

"We've been giving her high levels of chemotherapy to suppress her immune system." Lexie answered, a proud smile on her face.

"And what precautions have we taken to make sure that she is not exposed to infection?" As the interns went to raise their hands, Hahn shook her head and directed her attention to the resident who looked really out of it as she stared at the floor. "Yang, am I boring you? Because if you'd rather spend the day in the morgue, I have about 50 cadaver hearts that need to be harvested for my research." She then shook her head, not thinking the brunette would accept the offer, before moving on. "So, Kyra Marshall's protocols-"

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