Chapter 20: Raise Your Glass

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I'm nervous.

My stomach is acting up, that's the amount of nervous I am. But mom made me a relaxing tea for me to get better.

Or at least get through the day.

As promised, I took Ashley on a wolf date on Saturday right after lunch. We drove to the far edge of the city, near the open fields of grass and vegetation.

I knew we'd be alone there. Not that wolves in this town are a menace. At this point, not even the animals fear us much. Though there can be an occasional rogue or two, our borders are well defended by the warriors. So, it's not a concern of mine.

We ran for quite some time in our wolf forms, free and wild. I forgot how much fun it is to be in my wolf form.

It's weird in the first few times after we first shift at puberty. Though my 12 years old self was too excited at the prospect. I loved running as a young boy. I still do.

But now with Ashley is a new height of pleasure. It's a true delight. We stopped when we reached the edge of the river, just like Simon, who's putting me to shame with his multiple dates with the omega.

We shifted back into human form and I gazed upon my future mate's beautiful body. She smiled bashfully at me, blushing at my piercing gaze.

But I couldn't look away.

My eyes glowed with desire for her. It can't be helped. I'd love to take her right now and make her mine. But I take a cold bath instead.

And by cold, I mean freezing. It's winter, so the water is gelid. That calmed me right away. She went in with me, so that's nice.

"I know you're nervous about tomorrow." - She started, grabbing my attention.

We're sitting on the grass, admiring each other's physical form. There's such peace here, it's lovely to be one with nature.

"But I need you to know: whatever happens, I had a blast. Honestly, I couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend. A better partner through high school. And I will always love you." - She declared, making my heart swell with joy.

A radiant smile took over me as I gazed upon her.

"Thank you for saying that. I feel the same. I know I put too much pressure on us because of my mating. And that's precisely why I'm so nervous about it. But I need you to know whoever it is, she won't hold a candle to you. And though I can't reject her, I'll always love you." - I replied in a sincere tone.

She smiled wide at me. Tears come to my eyes. I'm overwhelmed with emotions that I've been bottling up and now I can't anymore.

There's a dreadful fear in me she won't be the one. No matter how hard I want her to be. It's hell that I can't pick my own mate. My own Luna. But it's NOT gonna be me that will change thousands of years old tradition.

Ash held me close for the longest time while my tears flowed continuously. My body shakes in fear of the unknown. And I'm just relieved no one else is here to witness me crashing like this.

"Even if you weren't Alpha, I'd never want you to reject your mate. Not ever. I can't ask you to be miserable for the rest of your life. And making me guilty for it. As I can't reject my mate either." - Ash told me with a comforting tone, while still holding me.

Funny thing about mates. You can reject them. We all know that by now. You shouldn't, but you can. Anyone, really. No one can force you to accept a mate. And I mean no one on Earth.

Except for me.

I can't reject my mate. No. Nada. Under any circumstances, I simply cannot reject my own mate. No matter what she looks like - not that I'm that shallow to reject someone for her appearance.

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