Chapter 3- The kindness of one

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Jason pov-
I was lying in my bed in my room at Wayne Manor, silently listening to all of the little noises in the house.

My adoptive brothers were sleeping in their rooms, and Bruce was off world with the Justice League, and Alfred was in England visiting a friend. But Bruce had assigned Dick's old team, Young Justice, to babysit us and protect us from anything bad that happened, like kidnapping or villain attacks on the manor, and I walked into it by accident.

You see, I don't exactly live at the manor. I live in my safe house in the east side of Gotham, where my territory is, the one part of the city where Batman wouldn't patrol, so I came back to Gotham and very quickly took control of the huge part and was the biggest crime boss in the city, as Red Hood.

I just came back from the dead and the LOA a year ago, and I hated Bruce and the Wayne's. It wasn't my fault though. If you knew the hell I've been through, then you would understand why I am the way I am. But I blamed Bruce for everything that damned clown did to me, what Joker had the inmates in Arkham and the other villains of Gotham do to me for 3 years.

But for some fucking reason, the human in me still cares about my brothers, more than I would like to admit, not that I'd admit it at all. So that small sliver of the heart that somehow survived Joker caused me to still look out for my replacement siblings. Did they know I was Red Hood?


And it was another reason why Bruce hated me, because of my alter ego, and how I treated and took care of criminals and villains. When they did something wrong, I'd go hunt them down and kill them.

I don't do second chances anymore, and I sure as hell don't trust anyone anymore.

My best friend Roy Harper didn't count. I also had a huge crush on the red headed archer, but I carefully kept it hidden from him. I didn't want to destroy the only friendship that I had, and my biggest fear was being alone, and abandoned again. That wasn't something I could handle, so I locked it up. But I was always thinking of him, so it kind of defeated the point. Though he was my only friend, but that wasn't the point.

I was shocked that I was still gay after my time with Joker. I had thought that I would never want anything to do with love or romance or relationships, nothing sappy or any of that shit, but I guess I was wrong. That was something that I thought Joker and the Arkham inmates had permanently destroyed, but my love for Harper lived through it. But I was scared as fuck to tell him, and I didn't want a repeat of all those other times-

Stop, Todd. Harper wouldn't do that to you. He's not like... like THEM. After all, he's the only one that really cares about me for me and who I really am. When I told him about my being a werewolf, he accepted me with open arms instead of killing me or abandoning me like I'd expected him to. God, I fucking loved him.

There was only one other person I would trust.

Her name? Marinette Jakayla Todd, aka my little sister and technically my daughter.

A/N- y'all already know Jason's past, and the typical one with Marinette. The only difference is that Jay and Mari are werewolves, which they kept hidden from Willis and Catherine. This is also going to be a Jay x Roy book, so...

Anyways, I had come to the manor, sneaking in through my old room window, surprised to find it the same as I left it all those years ago, to check on my brothers, knowing Bruce wasn't in Gotham, but I had barely slipped in when I heard Young Justice in the manor.

That pissed me off. Did Bats seriously not trust Golden Boy, Replacement, and Demon Spawn to be at the manor alone? Shit, I guess that hasn't changed about him. Roy didn't mention YJ was here though. Maybe he didn't know. Oh well. Slipping past them will be a piece of cake.

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