The Future

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     "I'm so sorry," wept Jasmine when the New London parents and children were reunited in the home of General Wayne. "How can you ever forgive me?"

     Outside, a small crowd of reporters were still speaking in front of cameras for the twenty five thousand civilians who'd watched the touching reunion on their television screens. Jasmine had held her composure along with the other children while one New Philadelphian after another had shoved a camera and a microphone into her face and asked her what she was thinking on this historic occasion. Now, though, they were finally on their own and Jasmine had immediately broken down. Susan held her in her arms as the girl wept into her shoulder, while the other New Londoners stood nearby in the sumptuously decorated library, the other members of her family offering what comfort they could while the others pretended not to be able to hear and spoke softly among themselves.

     "I should have told you how he was threatening me," Jasmine said tearfully. "What he threatened to do, but I was too scared. I should have been braver."

     "It's all over now," her mother told her, tightening her hold on the girl and rocking her gently back and forth. "No-one blames you."

     "You could all have been killed! He told me it was a harmless bug, that it would just make us sick for a while. If I'd known the truth I would never have done it no matter what he threatened to do."

     "It was the cow," Andrew told her. "Remember what Vole said. We have to tell everyone it was the cow. No-one else will ever know the truth."

     "And in the meantime, we're all together again," said Susan, holding her daughter at arms length so she could look her in the eyes. "The whole family. And very soon now we'll all be going home."

     Andrew nodded as he stroked the girl's hair. The negotiations were going well, they'd heard. The Ambassador had brought a freezer containing ten thousand human embryos from New London with him as a show of good faith and the IceRunner containing the first thousand kilos of dysprosium was about to set off in the other direction. Neither city seemed to know of any reason why they couldn't give the other city everything they wanted. Even the Remainers would have cause to be happy since, unless they had key skills that the Mars colonists would need, they now had the option to remain on Earth, among the New Philadelphians. It was a diplomat's dream in which all parties could leave the table satisfied. It wouldn't even require compromises from anyone.

     Jasmine nodded, therefore, blinking the tears out of her eyes and looking around to where David and James were smiling at her. James rose from his seat and came over to take her hand, giving her a reassuring smile. David, sitting closer, could do so without leaving his seat, but he gave her hand only a perfunctory squeeze before returning his attention to the window out into the garden where a pair of pigeons were strolling lazily across the grass. The first living birds he'd ever seen. Of the New Londoners, only he and twelve year old Stacey were failing to fully understand what was going on here. David only understood that Joe had threatened to kill James and himself if she hadn't done what he told her, and David lacked the life experience to doubt it. His love for her and his trust in her were too strong.

     The door opened and Daniel Vole came walking in, looking pleased. He clapped his hands to get everyone's attention. "So," he said. "Who's ready to go home?"

     "Seriously?" said Izindaba in delight. "They're letting us go?"

     "The final details have been worked out," said the Ambassador, beaming happily. "When the IceRunner leaves, taking the first ton of dysprosium, it will also be taking half a dozen soldiers under the personal command of General Wayne. Your two rovers..." He indicated Philip and Lungelo, "...will take an additional two each. Upon arrival, these ten men will take control of New London's blast doors and hanger level, to ensure we don't seal the city closed when we leave."

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