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Trevor's POV

I am so happy. My Jasmine is safe and sound. I want to treat her at my restaurant, The Wolf. However, I am going to leave my restaurant after asking her two things.

I will ask Jasmine to marry me, and ask her if I can mark her. This makes me nervous. I am not someone who expresses these type of emotions. But what can I say? Jasmine is my mate after all.

As this month flew by, I know that we have not spend enough time to really get to know each with everything that has happened. I say this for Jasmine, even though I know everything about her.

But this proposal really comes down to the idea if Jasmine will accept me or not. To honor my family, I have decided to propose a ring that has been passed down through generations. As humans have their own traditions, werewolves have them too. After her graduation celebration, I think Jasmine is at peace of who she is and what she means to me.

I did feel bad about Landon and killing him-who am I kidding, I didn't feel bad- but it just hurt to see Jasmine feel betrayed by his actions.

On another note, this proposal means I will also ask her to live forever with me. Breaking the news to her is definitely going to sting for her. She will be watching her parents grow old as she remains young and beautiful for centuries-unless killed. She would also have to face the reality of immortality. You see, changing humans into werewolves is not a walk in the park.

Their chance of survival of the change is greatest supported by a werewolf mate.

Jasmine's parents are humans lovers, see the problem?

At this point in the evening, I have told Jasmine I had something else planned for her.
When she walked out of our room in a dark burgundy dress, I was simply blown away by her beauty.

Mark her-now! The beast within me growls happily.

"You look beautiful, Jasmine." I coo, I hope she didn't catch me drooling.

Her cheeks turn a warm red and she gives me a smile. "Thanks, you look very handsome yourself." She responds. I crack a smile, she likes how I look.

"I hope you're hungry." I joke, breaking our trance. She nods as her stomach rumbles.

"Yes I am." She says. We walk throughout my castle. "This is a huge castle." Jasmine says.

"You'll get used to it. Soon, you may think its small." She giggles. "I don't think anytime soon."

We made it to the garage and I open the passenger door for her to sit in. "Thanks." She says timidly. I then close her door and climb into the front seat.

It is time to go to The Wolf.

"Where are we going?" Jasmine asks curiously as I back down the driveway.

"You'll see." I say discretly.

After an hour or so, my restaurant comes into view. "Oh my gosh! Yay!" Jasmine cheers and I let out a chuckle.

"I reckon you love this place?" Jasmine is basically jumping up and down in her seat. "Yes! Your restaurant has such delicious food!" I love seeing her so happy.

I pull up to the front. Today, its just going to be Jasmine and I. No customers, and a beautiful room littered with flowers.

I have the ring in my back pocket.

I help Jasmine out of the car, "We have the whole place to ourselves." I say and she is shocked. "Really? What's the occasion?" she jokes.

"Nothing." I mumble.

We sit and order immediately. We already knew exactly what we wanted to eat. I got a steak and Jasmine got pasta with broccoli.

"Jasmine, I took you out here tonight to discuss our future is it intimate setting. I wanna share with you my world and introduce you as my queen. I know a lot has gone on and I'm sorry. please don't let my past actions define who I am as a person and my ever loving love for you. I've never loved a person more than you in my whole life and I know you're still new to all this. My wold is obsessed as I am and I wanted you to know that." I start.

Jasmine stares into my eyes, paying special attention. "Jasmine, tell me how do I make you feel?" With this question I am nervous. I'm starting to sweat and my hands began to be clammy. My wolf is shaking in anticipation of her answer and not knowing how she feels can either make or break for me.

Jasmine gives me a smile, "Yes, my life has been a rollercoaster since I've met you."

I let out a deep breath, "Jasmine, do you love me as much as I love you? It's ok if you don't feel the same." That was a lie.

She takes a second before responding, "It's such a weird feeling, but I do." She admits, my wolf relaxes.

"Okay." I breath out.

Our food comes and we eat in silence, admiring one another.

After we finish, it's time to pop the question. The waiter takes our plates to clear the table.

"Dessert?" I ask and she smiles, "Yes."

I smile and the lights dim. I get on one knee and reveal the ring from my pocket.

"Jasmine, will you marry me? Or at least give me a chance?" I ask, at this point my heart stop beating.

"Yes." My wolf howls in joy.

My life is complete. But not yet.

I jump out of my seat and scoop Jasmine from hers.

A twinkle stars in her rich brown eyes. "May I have the pleasure of marking you? It'll only hurt for a bit." I mumble. Jasmine smiles, "Ye-yes." I trace kisses along her collarbone and start to lick her neck.

She lets out a moan as I begin to tease her. In a flash, I sink my teeth into her neck. She lets out a little squeal, then moans in pleasure. I release my fangs and look at the beautiful mark of a crown and a moon on her neck.

She is finally mine.

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