The End

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Jasmine's POV

Trevor asked me to marry him!

After he marked me, I felt our connection intensify.

From that moment on, we had the world in oir hands. Moving forward from his proposal, we married in October and he turned me into a werewolf.

"Do you take Jasmine Faye to be your wife?" The priest asks.

Trevor cracks a smile, "I do."

The priest turns to me, "Do you take Trevor Grey to be your husband?"

"I do."

"You may kiss the bride."

Trevor scooped me in for a kiss.

"Presenting your Alpha King and Queen." The crowd cheers.

Happiness and howls filled the air.

When we got married, I finally turned eighteen.  After the reception and afterparty we went to our bedroom. My clothes were taken off instantly. Lust raging from the both of us.

We completed our connection and with that I had to endure the pain of transformation.

I was now a werewolf who would live forever.

The memories replay my mind of where I am today.

Currently, I was in a hospital room about to give birth. Trevor, my parents and Reese are besides me.

Dr.  Annie enters our room again.

"Ready?" I let out of a deep breath. "You got this my queen." Trevor cooes.

After a pregnant pause, I gave birth to a boy.

"Alpha King, Queen." Dr. Annie calls, "What is his name?"

I turn to Trevor with a smile, "James Grey."  The widest smile is placed on Trevor's face. Trevor kisses my forehead and I pass James to him.

"James Grey." He mumbles in a loving tone. The awes from my parents and Reese fill the room.

"If only my parents were around." Trevor mumbles sadly. Now that I'm a werewolf, I can hear his thoughts and when he talks lowly.

"Me too, Trevor."

With the birth of our son, life was complete.

"I love you Trevor." I coo in awe of our little family.

"I love you more, angel." Trevor says.

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