Chapter 4

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Eddie dropped of Dustin by his first class and then made his way to the band room, which was usually empty after lunch. He walked in and flicked on the overhead lights, humming Queen softly. He wanted to learn the guitar solo from Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy, but he hadn't been able to figure out the notes until last night, after he listened to the song at least one hundred times. His uncle was away, so he'd been able to leave the player on all night.

He pulled the scribbled page of music out of his pocket and carefully unfolded it. He could already feel the reverb of the notes in his fingertips and he absently tickled them against the creases. He flicked the storage room key between the thumb and forefinger of his other hand and looked over at the locker.

"Welcome home, baby," he whispered and walked over to it.

The high school only had one electric guitar in it's possession and Eddie cherished it almost as much as his own twenty-four fret darling. He didn't know how the Hawkins guitar found it's way into the school, but he liked to dream that he was carrying on some ancient rocker legacy.

In any case, he used the guitar to practice when he wasn't at home and the band room was perfect because no one ever went in there unless there were classes running. He could play around for as long as he liked, provided that he wasn't too loud. The band teacher didn't technically give Eddie the storage key, but he left the spare out on his desk so much that he was practically asking for it. If he even noticed that it was missing, he never said anything.

Eddie skipped a little as he got to the door and he slipped the key eagerly into the door knob, sighing as the lock clicked open. He opened the door, already moving in the direction of his second true love, when he looked up properly and gave a shriek.

"Oh shit!"

He sprung back against a tall drum set and one of the high tops clattered to the ground with a crash. He winced, but it didn't matter.

Right before him, in the far corner of the locker, Steve Harrington was pressed up against Tracy Nelson and kissing her pretty face off. They both looked over at him in the commotion, but their mouths stayed tight against each other.

Eddie gaped. Then he changed his mind and fury rose up in his throat instead.

"Seriously, Steve?" he hissed. "Do you have to fuck a girl in every corner of this school?" He gestured around the room wildly. "This place is fucking sacred, don't you understand?"

His eyes landed on his guitar, which was right beside Steve's shoulder.

"Oh, and of course you'd do this in front of her!" he seethed. "Jesus H. Now I'm going to have to disinfect her."

Steve smirked.

"Don't really give a fuck, Munson, in case that wasn't already incredibly obvious."

He resumed kissing Tracy, his arms draped all over her, and Eddie thought he was going to be physically sick.

"Look," he snapped. "Can you at least stop eating each other's faces off for one minute so I can grab the guitar?"

Steve shrugged between kisses and moved himself a fraction further from the instrument, which left Eddie just enough space to run up and grab it.

"Thanks, asshole," he muttered as he turned to leave, but as he started to to retreat, Harrington snatched his arm and tugged him closer.

"I hope your knees hurt."

Eddie was momentarily thrown off guard.

"Why would they hurt?" he asked with a frown.

"Because you so unfortunately stumbled and fell in the cafeteria," Steve said innocently.

"Fuck off," Eddie spat and pulled sharply away from him.

"Your welcome," Steve grinned evilly and then his face met Tracy's again.

Eddie flipped him the bird and sprinted out of the locker as fast as he could, slamming the door behind him. He leaned against it with an exhale and then he looked down at the guitar in his hand.

"I need to find some lysol for you, baby."

He stood up straight again and marched out of the band room.

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