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⤿ October 29th, 2020

It was dark in Schlatt's room as he hadn't wanted to turn his lights on and he had been online with his friends all day, so now the night was reaching New York finally. John had his two monitors lit up and that was one of the only sources of light which was provided in his bedroom. On one was discord where he was in a call and on another there was a stream that Brianna had started less then an hour ago.

"Wow," SwaggerSouls voice came through the discord call as he knew that John was being more silent then usual and clearly had another thing on his mind. The rest of the group had noticed this as well and while they weren't recording they still found it a little odd for the usually extroverted man. "Is the Jschlatt jealous of a British Minecraft streamer?" The other man teased John because they had never really seen him act this way, especially because of a girl he was clearly interested in.

"Yes, of course." John said sourly as he watched the stream from the corner of his eye, seeing Brianna sit down on the couch and lean towards the camera clearly talking to the chat about something that had just happened while he had been looking away. "The girl who I've been emotionally invested in for the last three and a half months might be dating and making out with someone else." He frowned at the idea of Bri doing that with a man who he considered a friend, his head hurting a little from the idea of her going out with him. "Of course I'm jealous." He told the group of people and they all started to talk at once about the girl and how they were sure she wasn't going out with Wilbur Soot even if they had been friends for so long.

"Rude much!" Brianna laughed and John's attention was immediately moved towards his second monitor where she was grinning at someone off camera. A pillow was now in her hands and a smile was across her face as she looked at person. She tossed the pillow back but John felt only another spike of jealously as Will fell onto the couch and rested his head on Brianna's legs, looking up at the ceiling.

She reached over and grabbed another pillow, going and pretending that she was going to suffocate her best friend before Will started play fighting with her. It was clear that it was all jokes and Tommy and Tubbo laughed in the background at the two adults interacting. Chat was loving it.

"You're such a dumbass." John heard Will say to Brianna who only laughed in response, only tossing another pillow at him which hit his chest. Will had managed to catch it though before it had fallen onto the floor.

"Oh shut up." John heard Brianna laugh and he sighed before closing the stream, his friends voices now solely filled his headphones. He didn't want to watch more of the stream and see how she was interacting with the man, making him feel even more jealous of the two being with each other. He went on to play with his friends for the rest of the night even though he dwelt knew thag he would've preferred to play fight with Brianna as Will had.

Douchebag | JSchlatt ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now