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⤿ November 30th, 2020

It was late at night and the sound of a Netflix show played in the room. Brianna and John were laying together, with Bri in John's arms as a show about two brothers that traveled across the country, solving supernatural problems, played on Brianna's laptop. Brianna loved the show and had been watching it since she could remember and while John didn't think that the show was bad, his attention was more focused on the girl. He loved the way she smiled at the cringey jokes or would glance at him whenever one of the characters did a cringey pickup line or she would tell him little things that she knew about the show as she had rewatched it so many times over her lifetime. Brianna laughed lightly as a joke was made by a character who had been just been introduced and she cozied more into John's arms.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?" The words slipped so easily from John's lips as he looked down at Brianna. It took Brianna a second to fully comprehend what he had said and she turned her head to look up at him, a look of confusion on her face as tired regret made John look away from her.

"What?" Brianna asked but John didn't look back at her, his eyes going everywhere but to her face as she looked at him.

"Uh," He searched for something, a joke or something like that but he couldn't grasp at anything. His mind was too tired and he was silently scared he was about to lose the girl and that he had messed up. "Nothing." John simply said, hoping Bri would drop it but he knew the girl too well to actually believe that.

"John," Brianna say up and spun her body so she was facing the man, the show playing in the background as she tried to get him to look at her. "J," She said and lightly moved his face so he was looking at her and it didn't take her to ask what he said again to understand. "Are you being serious?" The girl asked with a tilt of her head and John looked away then back to Bri.

"Depends." He said under his breath but loud enough for Bri to hear.

"You are so stupid," Bri laughed lightly under her breath before she turned around, laying back on his chest again as she watched the show on her screen. Her heart was racing as she tried to figure it out, if he was serious or not and she took a small breath. "Yes, maybe." She replied to the first question and was greeted with silence, the brothers on the screen bickering voices filling the silence between them as Brianna's heart raced in her chest.

"Wait for real?" John asked as he moved so he was meeting her eyes and Brianna felt her face warm up. She was thankful for the darkness that was in the room, the only light coming from the laptop as she looked up at him. It felt like she was holding her breath, waiting for an answer to a question she hadn't dared to ask or accept that she wanted until now.

"Maybe." She responded her voice so small that John continued to look at her, making her face blush even more. John put a hand on the side of her face as she tried to avert her eyes and she felt her skin turn warmer where his touch was.

"So," John asked as he tilted his head to the side, Brianna holding her breath as now they were only an inch or two apart. Brianna could almost fee her forehead against John's and she saw his eyes flicker from her eyes to her lips and then back to her eyes. "We're dating now?" It was a question, he wanted to know if that was what she wanted and she nodded lightly in response. She didn't want to speak, afraid that he might pull away from her. "Does this mean I can finally kiss you?" He asked even more quietly and a smile broke on Brianna's face, her heart racing in her chest as she placed her hands on his shoulders.

"Dumbass." She muttered and John grinned.

"Princess." He responded and placed his lips on Brianna's, a warmth growing in Brianna's chest as she kissed him back, feeling as if she had been waiting a lifetime for this.

Douchebag | JSchlatt ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now