{YeJisu} - when you get hurt by paparazzi (requested)

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"What should we do next?" Lia asked as she cleared all of your garbage off of the table, tossing it into the trash nearby.

"Y/N? What do you think, baby? What sounds fun?" Yeji asked as she placed her hand on yours.

Lia sat back down and pulled her phone out of her pocket to check the time.

"It's still early in the evening. We can go see a movie, go to the park, or the beach. Whatever you want is fine." Lia smiled as she looked between you and Yeji.

"Can I be honest?"

They both nodded.

"As nice as that all sounds, I'm exhausted after the day I had. I want to go home and cuddle with my girls. Maybe watch a movie and eat some snacks."

"That sounds wonderful," Yeji said.

"I agree. Come on, let's get going. I could use some cuddles." Lia agreed.

You all got up, pushing in your chairs before you grabbed your things and made your way out of the restaurant.

"I forgot where we parked." Yeji sighed as she reached for the keys in her pocket.

Clicking the lock button a few times, you all heard it going off a couple of blocks away.

Oh, now you remembered.

The area the restaurant is in had been so crowded that you had to park a couple of blocks away.

It didn't seem that bad.

At first.

But, to your disappointment, it's bad now.

When you arrived, you managed to get in without being recognized by anyone.

But people inside had recognized your girls and sneakily snapped a few photos before spreading them around.

People found it.

You can tell.

Because you can see the paparazzi coming towards you all now.

You cursed under your breath before nervously putting your hands over your face.

Yeji and Lia looked to where the noise was coming from and they didn't even bother to hide how annoyed and disappointed they were at the sight of the paparazzi coming toward the three of you.

"Leave us alone." Yeji groaned as she took one of your hands into hers and one of Lia's into the other.

"Yeji, Lia, Y/N - how are things going tonight? Having a great evening out together?" One of them asked.

"We were." You said. "Until you came along."

Lia and Yeji giggled, unable to hold it back.

"That's not very nice."

He had it coming though.

"I'm not here to see you. I'm here to see your girlfriends, anyway."

"Yet, you spoke to her." Lia sassed.

He and the other paparazzi just continued to snap pictures and videos of you as you walked hand in hand, trying to focus on each other instead of them.

But the fact that you had the attention of your girls instead of the paparazzi upset them.

"Yeji, Lia, look here!"

"Yeji, look at me! Send me one of those pretty smiles!"

"Lia, tell us about ITZY's upcoming events? You look absolutely breathtaking!"

They all shouted things such as that out.

And as your girls ignored them, they got angry.

"The car is right there," Yeji said.

Your relief faded quickly as you felt a sharp pain in your side, causing you to gasp for air and let go of your girlfriends' hands.

Lia turned to the man behind you as Yeji knelt on the ground beside you.

He had hit you in the side.


"Did you just hurt our girlfriend?" Yeji yelled in anger.

"Unacceptable!" Lia screamed, startling them all. "How dare you!"

"I need your photos. That's my job. You wouldn't look at me!"

"So!?" Lia yelled. "That gives you no right to physically harm our girlfriend!"

"Besides - we owe you nothing! You stalk us, following our every move as you take our pictures and videos. You invade our privacy, intrude on our personal space, and harm our loved ones. Why the hell should we pose for photos for you?" Yeji asked as Lia knelt on the ground with you too, both of them comforting you by rubbing your back.

"Now let us get to our damn car and leave us alone!" Lia shouted.

"Can you stand, baby? Are you seriously injured? What should we do?" Yeji rambled worriedly.

"I just want to go home." You said.

She and Lia helped you stand up before leading you to the car while glaring at the paparazzi in anger, seething undeniably.

You got into the car and Yeji quickly drove away before pulling over a few blocks away, far from the paparazzi.

"Are you okay?" She asked as Lia rubbed your shoulder soothingly.

"I'm just shaken up." You said. "But I think it'll be the last time that happens."

"It better be," Lia said as she kissed your head.

"You scared them." You chuckled.

"Good." Yeji grinned. "I had a lot of colorful words left to use but I just wanted to get my girls out of there."

You and Lia just giggled as you grabbed Yeji's hands, both of you squeezing them happily.

"Thank you for taking care of me."

"Always," Lia promised.

"Yeah, trust us, baby. I'm never letting anything happen to my girls, not again."

You all shared a quick kiss before she drove home, where you could curl up and spend time together alone, away from the rest of the world.

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