{Ryeji} - you have a cold and lose your voice (requested)

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"What are you doing out of bed?" Ryujin asked as she and Yeji turned their heads to look at you entering the kitchen.

"Baby, go back up to bed." Yeji frowned.

You shook your head before coughing into your elbow.

"Please don't argue with us. You're sick, baby, and you need to rest." Yeji said as she began to rub your arms as another chill hit you.

But you weren't out of bed because you felt like it, you had something urgent to tell them.

However, telling them was going to be impossible considering this new symptom of the bad cold you've got prevented you from saying anything at all.

You pointed to your mouth and they both gazed at you with confused but also concerned looks.

"Your throat hurts?" Ryujin worriedly asked as she dropped the spoon in her hands onto the counter.

You shook your head.

You opened your mouth to try and speak but nothing came out.

"Oh, no," Yeji said and looked at Ryujin as it clicked.

"Baby, did you lose your voice?"

You nodded.

"Oh, poor baby. Okay, I'm almost done with your soup. Why don't you get back into bed? Yeji will go up with you and tuck you back in so you can get cozy."

You nodded and Yeji followed up the stairs as Ryujin finished making your soup.

"You're freezing," Yeji said sadly upon seeing you shiver. "Come on, back under the blankets."

You laid back down and she quickly draped the blankets up to your shoulders once more before feeling your forehead.

Yeji watched as you tried to ask her something, only to furrow her eyebrows.

"Oh, can you write it down?" She asked as she grabbed your phone.

She unlocked it since she knew your passcode and then opened up your notes app before handing it to you.

You typed out your question and then showed your phone to her.

"You want cuddles?" She asked as she read what you typed out.

Nodding your head quickly, you typed something else out.

"Because you're so cold. Oh, of course, darling. You know we'll cuddle you anytime you want." She said as she fixed the blankets over your shoulders.

Just then, Ryujin entered the bedroom with a tray that had a bowl of soup on it and a glass of juice, knowing that you wanted something aside from water for a change.

"Here we go, sweet girl," Ryujin spoke as she put the tray down.

Kissing your warm forehead, she grabbed the cup and brought it to your lips for a few sips.

You cracked a small, tired smile at her before reaching for your phone to type out,

'Thank you'.

They both chuckled as Ryujin sat down beside Yeji.

"No problem at all, baby. We're just being good girlfriends and taking care of our very sick girl. That's our responsibility, you don't have to thank us." She said before Yeji grabbed the bowl of soup from the tray.

She brought the spoon to your lips and you took a bite of it.

"Is it good?"

You gave Ryujin a quick nod of your head and a thumbs up, making her giggle.

"I'm happy you like it."

Yeji continued to bring you spoonfuls of the delicious soup up to your lips and you enjoyed every bit that you took, enjoying not only the good taste but also the warmth and relief it brought to your very sore throat.

You spent the next few minutes just like that, of your girls feeding you so you could stay nice and warm under the covers.

When you were done, you let them know by gently pushing at the bowl.

"Full?" Ryujin asked, to which you nodded again.

"Okay. I put the rest away before I came up here so you have some left for later, whenever you want more." She replied.

"Want those cuddles now?" Yeji smiled.

You smiled brightly, despite still feeling terrible, and your girls happily smiled back at you before climbing under the covers beside you.

Yeji lay on your left side and Ryujin lay on your right.

Ryujin began to play with your hair while Yeji brushed her fingers along your warm skin, both of them hoping it would help bring you some comfort that they knew you needed since you felt so unwell.

"I already miss your pretty voice." Yeji pouted.

"Me too. Until now, you felt terrible but at least you were able to talk to us. Now we can't even hear you speak. I don't like it." Ryujin said with a sad look in her eyes.

"Hopefully it won't be long until you get it back. I don't know how long we can go without hearing your voice." Yeji said before kissing your warm cheek.

You curled up to them both with a contented sigh as they both held you close.


You nodded as you closed your tired eyes.

"Okay, baby. Get some rest. We're right here with you. So if you need anything, just tell us." Ryujin spoke.

You opened one of your eyes and furrowed your eyebrows as she laughed.

"Sorry, sorry. I mean just let us know somehow. Use your phone, tap us to get our attention if we're sleeping, do whatever you have to do. We'll take good care of you."

"Yeah." Yeji smiled as she and Ryujin watched you fall asleep. "We're here, baby, and we're not leaving your side until you feel better. We promise."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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