Chapter 8 (edited)

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Third person pov:

Francesco and Alessandro noticed that Lexi didn't react when they give her news of her mother's death. It was surprising but they felt that she may have not fully accepted the news. Maybe she could be in denial.

When they were asked to leave the room, Rosie excused herself to go meet her friends.

They couldn't help feeling nervous about what would happen. They felt helpless. When she refused to come with them it broke their heart. Officer Pablo might have prepared them a bit for it but they weren't ready to hear her say that. It felt as if she was rejecting her own family.

There was a point when Francesco felt selfish for wanting to take her away from a place she doesn't wants to leave. He didn't want to hurt her. Maybe he could have let her stay in New York. He thought he could travel frequently so that he still gets to be a part of his daughter's life. But he knew that at this point he didn't have any other option. If they take custody of Rosalie people would come to know about the twins. And if people discovers that Alexia is not living with them then they could harm her to comeback at him. He couldn't put her life in more danger by letting her stay away from the mafia's protection.

They both were tensed lost in their thoughts when the door opens with a force. They both were shocked seeing her. Gone was the casual girl who was jocking with Officer Pablo. Her face was emotionless but her eyes held her anger and hatred. They weren't sure at whom was it directed to but they knew that they wouldn't want to be at receiving end of it. It pierced their hearts to even think that her anger and hatred was for them.

"We'll meet here tomorrow morning and discuss about when will I be moving with you guys." She spats without any emotion and walked away. They both keep looking in direction in which she walked away trying to figure out what triggered her reaction.

After a while Officer Pablo and Principal walks out.

"What happened to her? She just said that we'll talk tomorrow morning and barged away. Is she ohk? " Francesco asked worried about his daughter.

"Don't worry about her. She'll come around by morning. " Principal says them.

"What did you say to her for her to react this way?" Alessandro asked with narrowed eyes. If she was upset due to something her principal or officer had said then he was ready to kill them off.

"Don't worry, none of us pressurized her. We just tried to explain her the reality of the situation. Anyways Lexi would be staying night with a friend of her. You may take Rosalie with you. See you here in morning. Lexi will be in much better mood tomorrow. Hopefully." Officer Pablo says walking away.

Enzo very well knew that Lexi's mood will depend upon her conversation with Devin. He could just hope that Devin will be able to convince her because the thing that Devin hid from her wasn't something that she will let go.

No matter how much Officer Pablo showed that he disliked Lexi he would always want the best for her. He might not know about all the hardships she faced but it wouldn't take a genius to figure out that she was a fighter. She would always fight against her destiny for her happiness however it never lasted, yet she never gave up fighting.

But sometimes even the strongest person needs a break.

Rosalie's pov:

After mom passed I was afraid what would happen to me. I didn't want to go through foster system or an orphanage. I have heard about abuse stories and I don't want to go through them. Mom said Alexia is the only one who deserves it.

When the police officer said that I have a father I was surprised. I knew this is the only way out. My social worker explained me everything. She also said that my father is rich and he will do everything for me.

I was really happy hearing this. When mom married Richard he never loved me. He was always with Lexi. I hated her for taking Richard away from me. He was supposed to be my father. But this time I won't let her steal my father and brothers.

Lexi wasn't with me in police station so I was sure that I would get to live with my rich father whereas she would go through to foster system and orphanage getting abused as she should. It made me happy thinking that she will finally get what she deserved.

I was really happy when my father met me. He was richer than my mother and he could get me everything I want. It wasn't that I was not upset about my mother's death but I was realistic. I needed to think about my future with my new family.

I fake cried so that he would try to comfort me. If I become close to him he will do everything for me. If I am there then they won't need Lexi. I was happy to be the only girl.

When the officer asked them to get ready to go to my school to meet my sister, I was angry. I really wanted to tell them to forget about her but I couldn't let them get suspicious. I behaved as a perfect innocent scared child.

After the conversation in the office I was really happy. I always knew she would never come with us. I know she made a fake story of having other guardian. Noone will be willing to be with her unless forced. I know she will get back in system and get what she deserves.

My father and brother were sad hearing Lexi's words but I knew I will make up to them once I reach my new home in Italy. I left to meet my friends.

After a while my dad called me and said it was time to leave. I bid my friend a goodbye at went back towards my family. Their was no Lexi when I reached their and I was happy that she would not come disturbing my family. I does sound good to call them my family.

After we reached our hotel everthing was so expensive and beautiful. They had booked a penthouse room. I quickly gave both of them a good night kiss on their cheeks and went to my room. I was so happy that everthing is happening good. I finally have a big family all for myself. It was just me, my father and my brothers. Their was no place for Lexi in this family, I would never let that happen.

With those thoughts I feel asleep.

Question of the day:
How do you fimd the story so far?

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Date: 27 July 2022


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