Chapter 25

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Hi everyone..

Sorry for the delay...

Alexia's pov:

I look at the time and it has already been 10 mins. I quickly wipe the smile off my face and go into the warehouse. It was an abandoned place with dust and scrap all over. I could see cameras all over the place. Noone would doubt this place to be a gang base other than the fact that there are 2 guards on the front gate.

They verified my identity in their database and then allowed me inside. One of the guards led me to the lift and pressed the underground parking button. 

As the lift door opened, it revealed a large open area. There were around 20 guards positioned all over the area. There were different cars here making me assume that these were the gang cars for escape in case things went south. He led me to a room towards the end of the parking area. It was a meeting room with a large table in the middle and 12 chairs around it. The room was pretty basic with nothing much than the furniture. My friends were already seated. Opposite to them were 3 people. I recognized one of them as Alonzo and the other was there 2nd in command. The third one was his 2nd eldest son.

I walked towards my friends and gave them a nod indicating that things went as per plan. I turned towards the other three and introduced myself. 

"Hello Mr. Bianci. I am Alexia Rodriguez." I introduce myself by bringing my hand for a handshake. 

"Hello Cara, and just Alonzo will be fine. This is my 2nd in command Idris Joseph. And that is my son Mattias Bianci. My eldest son, Gabriel, is away for business so it's just us for now." He says introducing the other two. I shake hands with both of them. 


Mattias was a handsome guy with brown hair and light blue eyes. And the small boyish grin on his face made him a bit cuter. I maintained eye contact with him for a while and moved forward taking a seat opposite to him.  

"Devin has already called me and informed me about everything. We have our people keeping an eye on their warehouse near the port. We'll be notified if they make any move to attack." Alonzo says. 

"We are already aware about that but we cannot wait for them to attack. We need more time to figure out about them before we enter into real war." I tell him to give Romeo a nod to take over. 

Romeo puts some maps on the table with some markings. 

"We have figured that they are getting the weapons from Western Africa. That whole area is under control of Naxalites. We have no intel about their manpower or weapon force. We need someone who can get us any information about them." Romeo says pointing to the area under control of Naxalites.

"I have some connections in western Africa. I'll see if they can find anything about them. " Idris says, looking at the map. 

"The southern jungle has a lot of wild animals so I am sure they don't have much control over that area. Noone risks entering from that side. We need to find a way so that we can try to send someone from that side." I say back looking at the area. 

"I'll check if there are any underground tunnels or bunkers which can be useful." Bella adds. 

"Apart from all this we need to figure out how we will delay the attack." Mattias speaks for the first time in the meeting. I held my eye contact for a second before looking away. I could see his tips of ears turning red due to the intensity of my gaze. I am brought back to the meeting by Silas's voice.  

"We have a plan for that but we need confirmation before we do anything." Silas says, looking at me. 

"The work will be done by tonight. If it fails, we have to attack their warehouse and take away all the weapons." I tell them.

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