1| 夜神 月 (Light Yagami)

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Three Death Notes sat infront of them. Light sat on his knees in a gigantic room. His eyes glued to the notebooks that laid across the puffy, ivory clouds that held him above doom.

"Three murder books, tossed and stolen from those worthless and vile Shinigami.. They were used by the main Kira or Light Yagami and those of whom he manipulated into playing his role," Though he was paralyzed, the winged beast could move.

Pale white nails gripped Light's bangs, his teeth gritted as the glowing blue eyes stared him down with malice.

"And yet, his majesty decides to give you a chance at redemption. You, an insane, bloodlust-fueled killer who wished to become the god of some crazy world with a twisted sense of peace. Disgusting, how could someone as great as Kami-sama give a brutal being like you the option.." Golden doors were thrown open, the bluenette releasing his hold and scurrying off to bow before the throne in the center of the room.

The three death notes floated into the hands of an ethereal presence, his hair was long and blonde. It flowed freely behind him in gentle waves, a small beauty mark placed underneath his left e/c orb.

"Good afternoon, my dear human. Is this form suitable to you?" His voice was as smooth as silk, the kindness radiating off it.

He wore a white kimono, little charms hanging from his shoulders, neck and waist with golden chords. The crown of interlaced golden chains with a single diamond in the center, was slightly askew in his blonde locks. Light was intranced, for the one thing he had strived to become was attainable at last. This fool, with the Death note infront of him a fire spread throughout his body. His fingers curled around the cover, Angels raising their spears towards him in an instant.

The deity made no move at all to retrieve the book, instead he smiled, gentle and slim fingers covering the shining white teeth that poked through his lips with amusement.

"Ah yes, the great Kira. A slaughterer of thousands of the damned and the killer of several innocents, it's an honor to meet you. It took a lot of apples and the sprucing up of the Shinigami Realm to get your soul. Did you know that there's never been such an adamant user of the Death Note before you? Not to mention the fact, that users of that Notebook become Shinigami after they die. You almost became one, I'm so lucky I caught you though." The hand parted from the sweet pink lips, his face leaning closer to Light's, "Aiya~ Seems like you can't move anymore Yagami-san! Or maybe you don't want to, because I'm exactly what you want. Your very soul craves for godly abilities.. the position of power where you reign supreme. Power is so intoxicating to you humans, I wish I understood the sentiment honestly. But, one thing is for sure. What you want is right here infront of you, so very close and it seems attainable but it's not. You'll never reach the standing of a god, and you know that. That's why for me to be so close is absolute bliss and the craziest torture. It's so overwhelming, isn't it Yagami-san? It must be hard to move, here, I'll back away."

Light's very being shook, this person could read him like he was a book. He knew the turns and dead-ends of Light's heart, it's deepest wants and needs.. Did all god's have that ability? The one to seep into a person's very soul, to ravage their heads in a quick and painless second? He wanted it, he needed it. This Kami-sama? He could not get away, even if it immobilized him, this sense of wonderful pain and gut-wrenching agony paired with the beauty of this man's regalness was a blessing as much as a curse. An enrapturing curse.

Light's right arm shot out to catch the lovely corner of the white Kimono, tugging as hard as his weak and fragile form.

"...Don't..leave....just...yet.." His sentence was meek, his vocal cords hoarse with the lack of speech. This Light Yagami, no this Kira was so very desperate, so starved for power.

The left hand released the Death note, as it clawed for the God's touch. A single crack was heard, the blonde god's foot was ontop of both hands.

"Oh my, little Light.. it seems I underestimated you. You are far more desperate than one thought, no matter. You see, that weightful ambition you carry is why you are here, my dear. I am going to reshape your very soul with my own hands, and you shall become my tool. You will carry out my will until the very day you diminish. I apologize, I've spent far more time on you than intended, Yagami-san. You are dismissed."

With that, it all went black for Light. He could not comprehend exactly what happened in that moment, but when awoke again. The God was not in his sight.

神 (Light Yagami x Male! God! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now