13| Knight Corporation

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The next day, we stood outside the enormous building made of glass. The exterior of the building was gorgeous and made my jaw drop at the sight of it. Other buildings around looked tiny in front of this and I wondered how many floors it had.

"I can't believe you worked here," I whispered and glanced to my left.

"Me either." He had his jaw dropped like mine as he gawked at the building.

"Let's go." I cleared my throat and soothed my hair, which was parted from the middle and wrapped in a high pony.

I wore a cream and black print spaghetti strap tank top with cream high waist belt pants and the same color blazer. It was a professional look, and that was needed to visit a high-profile company like Knight Corporation.

"Shouldn't you be at work right now?" Finlay asked as we walked towards the main gate.

"I took a day off," I answered, wearing my EarPods so it'll look like I'm on a call and not talking to a ghost beside me.

"They gave you?"

"I told them I'm on my period and was having cramps. They had little choice when I wept, holding my stomach..." I shrugged. "I do little work there since my uncle made me a f**king sub, sub writer. It won't make any difference if I'm there or not. But that will change after I'm done with you." I mumbled the last part.

"Good afternoon Ma'am." The old security guard who looked in his late forties gave me a warming smile.

"Good afternoon to you too, sir." I returned his smile and thanked him when he opened the door for me.

I entered the building and took in the beautiful interior before walking towards the reception. My white pump heels clicked on the spotless marble floor and my eyes roamed around the black and white furniture and walls.

"What are you planning?" Finlay asked when he saw me taking my fake glasses out of my pocket. "What are those?"

"My lucky glasses." I winked at him. "To make me look smart."

His brows knitted in confusion, but I ignored him and hugged the file in my hands as I stopped at the reception. I looked around and grinned when I saw everyone dressed formally as me.

I knew it was a perfect choice!

"Good afternoon Ma'am. Welcome to Knight Corporation. What can I do for you?" The girl behind the reception asked me without taking her eyes off the computer screen.

"I'm here to meet the HR for my interview." I lied.

"Interview?" She finally glanced up at me. "For what?"

"For the CFO position."

"I'm not aware they set an interview for his position." The girl frowned. "Let me check."

"Sure." I gestured to her and leaned my arms over the counter. "It's awful tragic what happened to you last CFO." I gave her a sad smile.

"Yeah..." She gave a quick answer as she typed furiously on her keyboard.

"He looked like a nice guy..." I observed her to see if she shows any signs. "And quite handsome."

Finlay coughed beside me, and I resisted growling at him. She raised her brow at me and gave me a once-over.

"Do you know how he is now? I have seen no recent news related to him."

"I'm sorry Ma'am. I can't talk about our employees with you. It's against our policy."

"Oh, come on!" I giggled, waving my hand. "I'm not asking for his address. The poor guy must have a family waiting for him at home." I wiped the corner of my eye even though there wasn't any tear. "His kids must be waiting for their daddy to wake up and come home soon so they can go to the Park and eat ice cream and-"

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