15 : ꒐꒯꒐ꄲ꓄꒐ꉔ ꇙꂵꋬꋪ꓄

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"Du kennst Vater.. Dad.. Es gibt gerade einen Krieg zwischen den Asiaten. Könnte wirklich den dritten weltkrieg auslösen(You know father.. Dad.. There's a war between the asians right now. Could really start world war three).."

First thing that Germany did this morning was to visit his father's grave. Its 5:22 AM.

"Es ist lustig. Wir Europäer waren meistens die Kriegsstarter.  Wenigstens sind wir dieses Mal nicht beteiligt, oder? Da drüben ist was los wegen den Briten, Bürgerkrieg in anderen Ländern(It's funny. Us europeans were mostly the war starters. At Least we're not involved this time are we? There's something happening over the british over there, civil war in other countries)..."

The sun barely shone through Germany's land. The sky is peaceful. Third Reich, Second Reich and SR's twin, First Reich were all burried in the middle of the forest. German people refuses to give Germany's father and it's siblings a decent burial so Germany burried it himself since they're still his family.

Since the body of Country, City, Towns and Village Masters, when they die. Their body will be indestructible but they're 100% dead and would never be able to brought back to life¿ but their body will be there still. It cannot be cremated or eaten by insects. Its indestructible.

But if alive, they're just like a human being. Can be easily killed.

Germany sighed and looked away to the dim sky. "Ich habe das Gefühl, dass etwas passieren sollte, aber... das Leben ist langweilig(I feel like something should be happening but.. life's boring).." he then stared longer in the sky.

He closed his eyes for 'seconds' before he felt a tap on his shoulder, he opened his eyes and saw the sun shining bright through the trees. He then looked at the person who tapped his shoulder, Austria.

"Geht es dir gut, Deutschland? Das ist das hundert Mal, dass ich dich hier gesehen habe. Du hast geschlafen (Are you fine Germany? This is the hundred time I saw you here.. You've been sleeping).." she said.

Germany raised his brow, "Wie meinst du das? Ich bin hellwach(What do you mean? I'm wide awake)!" he exclaims as he kept blinking and blinking. Confused why Austria is blurry from his view. The Austrian sighed and handed him the glasses that was lying right besides Germany,

"Sie haben Ihre Brille Deutschland vergessen(You forgot your glasses Germany)."

Germany muttered a sorry and placed his glasses on. Now Austria is clearer to his view. He stood up. "Entschuldigung Österreich.  Ich vergesse immer wieder, dass dieser Wald in der Nähe deiner Grenze ist. Ich habe immer noch keine Ahnung, wie du immer wieder durch die Wachen kommst(Sorry Austria. I keep forgetting that this forest is near your border.. I still have no idea how you keep getting through the guards)."

He eyed the Austrian who chuckled and playfully punched Germany's shoulder. "Komm schon Deutschland!  Das ist seit Jahren so.  Wie auch immer... Ich habe gehört, dass es bei Ihnen einen Bürgerkrieg gibt(C'mon Germany! It's been like this for years. Anyways.. I heard that there's a civil war at yours)?" Germany widen his eyes hearing that.

"Welcher Bürgerkrieg(What civil war)?"

15 : Idiotic Smart

Taiwan POV

I stared at the vast sea of nothingness. What's life for? Why do Country Masters even exist for?

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