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Adnaan woke up early and went to the praying room in order to do his fajr prayer. He saw that someone was already awake. He peeped through the door and saw Aalia praying.

(Fajr prayer means dawn prayer for Muslims)

No matter what she was praying about, it was seen clearly that it was full dedication and why would Allah ignore someone's true commitment?

(Allah is God in Islam.)

He waited for her to complete her duas.

(Dua means prayer.)

She felt someone's presence. She opened her eyes and turned back. But there was no one. She continued her duas. It was for her parents, Aleesha and mainly for Adnaan. She always makes Dua for him. She wanted him to be happy no matter what.

After a few minutes she came out of the prayer room and saw Adnaan standing there leaning on the wall.

"Hey.... Are you sleepwalking?"

Aalia asked in a low voice.

"No..I was waiting for you to finish your prayer." Adnaan walked towards the prayer room.

"Oh..." She shortened her reply.

"Did you get a good sleep?" Adnaan asked, turning around.

"I don't actually remember when I fell asleep....like I don't actually know how I slept all night in that couch with Hana on my lap." Aalia seemed surprised.

"Yeah...Is Hana awake?" (Adnaan)

"Yah....she is using the washroom. And what about Hassan?" Aalia asked.

"We slept together in your room and I don't know where he is right now." (Adnaan)

"TOGETHER!!" Aalia was shocked.

"I meant that on both sides of the bed and he is not like how I thought. He can be a good friend." Adnaan explained.

"So..you guys talked?" Aalia was curious to know more.

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