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Time Machine

Aalia took the box and walked to her room

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Aalia took the box and walked to her room. Judging by the size of the box she thought it was heavy but it wasn't.

"Huh. What am I supposed to do with this now?" Aalia asked herself.

'It seems big. Who sent me this? And why? What should I do with this? Should I open it? And mainly is it for me? '
Aalia thought.

She walked around the box and saw a letter attached to it. She took it and sat on the floor. She was curious to know who the person was.

She opened and It and took a glance at the handwriting.

"Gotcha" She said.

The letter was-

'I know you are still mad at me. I won't force you. Take your time. Because in the end I want to be WITH YOU. I will wait. This is for you. I know you are not feeling like talking to me. So you can talk with this. You can put a name for it. I hope everything will be alright soon. We should sort everything. And we will. Because You are everything I have always hoped and wished for.


She looked at the box.

'What does that last line mean? Why is he making it more complicated? Ooh... Aalia you shouldn't open it.'

She stuck the letter back on the box.

She took her phone and was scrolling through instagram but her mind was busy thinking- 'What is inside the box? Judging by the box, the thing inside it will be big enough.'

"AALIA! CONCENTRATE!" She told herself.

She played her favorite songs and laid on the floor staring at the ceiling. She wasn't feeling sleepy. Because she was curious. Her phone rang.

"Hanuz ♡"

"Hey bro. What's up?" Aalia asked.

"How are you?" Hana Asked.

"I am fine. Adnaan was here. He wanted to clarify things with me. He talked to me and now he is gone and I am feeling sleepy. That's it." Aalia explained.

"Oh. So did you talk with him. " Hana asked.

"Yah. He asked whether I am mad at him. I said it's alright. '' Aalia said with an emotionless face.

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