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Around 800 A.D

Angel was a 19 year old young women who lived in England with her two children, you might think thay she was young to be a mother of two but she's not their biological merely their Adoptive Mother but the children don't see her that way, they like to think the women who gave them up wasn't their mother and Angel was, one could say the same if they came across the family of three for Jane the youngest had blonde hair just like Angel and has the same eye shape and ears, Alec shared Angel's green eyes and nose along with dimples when they smile which was a rare occurrence

Angel runs an herb shop for the people in her village, while they accept the help they think of her as a witch for having good remedies, when all she does is uses her knowledge about plants to make them, she usually sends out Jane and Alec to collect a lot of plants she may need, which they are right now, well they were currently 13 year old Jane was running through the streets of the village with blood running down her face and brusies on her arms

Rushing into the shop Angel turns to greet the customer with a small smile but that smile was instantly wiped off when she saw her child bleeding "Oh Jane sweetheart what happened" Angel rushed grabbing a tiny vial and some water and rushing to aid Jane who sat on a stool crying trying to catch her breath, "Deep breaths Jane deep breaths" Angel spoke soothingly while getting a cloth and dunking it water and wiping the blood off Jane before adding the paste that was in the vial to her skin

"We went to go collect the herbs like you asked when some boys approached us they started picking on Alec when I pushed one of them away which cause a fight they started beating us and Alec pushed me away and told me to come get you, I'm sorry mother" Jane said bowing her head while Angel added some paste to her brusies "Dov'è tuo fratello adesso" Angel asked calmly in Italian one of her native tounges while she was freaking out inside, the towns people have a habit of picking on the twins claiming them to be witches as well since things happen to the towns people when they mess with the twins some might think they would learn their lessons and not mess with the twins but the village people do anyway (Where is your brother now)

"Off the path by the river" Jane spoke wincing slightly as the paste tingles her wounds "Stay here and lock the doors don't open it unless you here our special knock ok" She order "Bene" She asked again "Yes Mother" Jane nodded "Alright I'll be back" Angel stated before standing up and exiting the ship making sure Jane had locked it behind her with that she broke out into a sprint towards the familiar woods, getting there in about five minutes Angel's green eyes surveyed the area before she gasped in shock (Okay)

Her child her Alec pale and heavily bleeding while barely breathing laid on the green grass that was now tinted with blood, his blood. Quickly rushing towards him she gently picked him up making him groan slightly in pain before running back to the shop making sure to be mindful of Alec "Oh mio dolce ragazzo cosa ti hanno fatto" She muttered looking down at him before knocking twice pausing and knocking four more times, the slid open with a creak Jane's tiny body pushing against it (Oh my sweet boy what did they do to you)

Opening the door before closing it Angel set Alec on a cot before grabbing a new cloth and water "Brother" Jane yelled panicked seeing her bloody slightly unmoving twin "Jane I need you to grab the Yarrow paste and some ice can you do that" Angek said rushed as she cleaned Alec before stripping him of his shirt and pants being mindful of his undergarment "Yes Mother" Jane trembled out before going to grab what her mother told her to grab, Angel finished wiping Alec's blood away and saw some wounds need to be stitched closed

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