All but those blue eyes

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-Chapter 10-

It was Monday the start of the school week where everyone would be sad because the weekend was over. Not me. It has also been a week since I've met Alexander, exactly. It has only been a week and yet I feel like we've been through so much together. I can't wait to see him today, his big black mop of hair that covers up his blue eyes and geeky glasses.

The moment I stepped into the school gate I felt something different then usual. The school, no, the students feel more lively. I walked past some girls catching a few words in their conversation.




It was too obvious what the words meant. There is definitely a chick magnet in the school, some new transfer student. I couldn't care less, really. No one could really be hotter than Darren. The mention of Darren made me remember what had happened on Saturday. He didn't come, the words appeared in my head without me summoning them. Today it will be a fresh start, I told myself.

Suddenly, I passed a crowd of girls surrounding something or someone. There's no doubt. Probably the chick magnet the girls were talking before. Then again it might not be. My curiosity made me walk towards the crowd. It was very hard to see the boy they were surrounding. Yes, they were surrounding a boy.

Pretty tall.

Short black hair.

Just when I was about to give up because they were practically towering over the guy, I saw him. It was just a glimpse but I recognised him.

Those blue eyes.

The ones that were always behind that big mop of hair and glasses.

No more mop of hair, no more glasses but same blue eyes I could recognise anywhere.

If this was some clique story then I would have walked towards Alexander and the girls would be spreading like the red sea but its not. So I didn't walk towards him. Instead, I walked away. I heard him calling my name but I didn't turn back, I didn't want to.

What was he thinking? To come to school like that and not be surrounded by girls who digged hot boys. Yes, he was damn hot now. Who knew that behind that big mop of hair and glasses was prince Charming? You didn't, right? That's not the problem though. The problem is, did he really think that we could still be friends after this? Or did he never consider me as a friend? Was he just playing around with me for the fun of it? The thought me ache. I had considered him my friend; I don't want to lose this friendship.

When I got to my locker, I heard footsteps running behind me.

'Mikasa, I need your help,' it was Alexander and he was panting.

I could hardly even recognise him because of his short haircut and missing glasses.

'What happen to the girls?' I asked him harshly.

'They're actually right behind me, I need your help to get away from them,' suddenly I heard footsteps coming our way.

'Alex, come out, come out, wherever you are' I heard a girl yell a few metres away.

I shouldn't help him but deep down in my heart I could still see the old Alexander so I did. Since my locker area was outside there was a small gap between the lockers and the building, where there was enough space for one person.

'Quickly, hide in that gap,' I pointed towards the it.

'What about you?' he asked.

'I'll tell them I didn't see you,' I said quickly and pushed him towards the gap.

He was heavier then he looked.

Before I knew it I was pulled into the gap by Alexander, just before the fist girl appeared.

'What do you think you're...' I said before he put his index finger on my mouth.

We were in a very awkward position. The place was only supposed to fit one person. My body was against his way too closely; his arm was around my back and his finger on my lips. I was just about to consider biting his finger when I heard the girl's footsteps, very close.

'Alex, you don't need to hide from me. I won't bite you,' the girl chuckled to herself.'

She was so close. She was only a girl but it was as if she was a monster in horror films ready to eat her prey alive. It gave me goose bumps. I looked up at Alexander who gave me a reassuring nod. He took his finger off my lips and arm off my waist and he was just about to give himself in when we heard another girl talking to the first one.

'Hey, someone said they saw Alex go towards the cafeteria,' the new girl said.

'Alright, lets go,' the first one said and they both went off.

'I think it's safe to get out now,' I told Alexander whose face went too crimson.

He went out with me following behind.

'I'm sorry,' he apologised as he looked at me

'For what?' I asked confused.

'To get you involved into my own problems,' he said and looked down at his shoes.

'Aren't we friends? There's no your problem, my problem between friends,' it slipped out of my mouth before I could stop it.

Were we still even friends?

'Thank you, for being my friend,' he smiled.

So we're still friends. I can't believe I had doubted him.

'Before when I saw you surrounded by girls, I thought that maybe you wouldn't need me anymore. I mean, they have way better qualities than me. It would be natural if you chose them...' I said before I got pulled into an embrace.

In my mind I could hear Courtney's voice, you guys hugged right?

'They have none of the qualities you do,' he said softly.

I smiled and relaxed a little and I brushed the thoughts away.

Is this what it's like to be friends?

If so, I wish we could be friends forever...


Hi guys, did you like the surprise? Alexander's makeover.

And yes, I drew a picture too! Do you like it?

I hope you enjoyed the chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it! Hopefully once you've read this, it has made a part of your day.



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