Adding things up

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Omg Presley we were so scared Percy says taking me from pierce
"U cant just run off like that!" Parker says
"You had us all worried babe" Preston says
"Where was she" Percy says
"Near the waterslide with some kid, oh ya who was a boy!" Pierce says.
Tattle tale.
The boys all roll there eyes at this
"Boys have cooties" Preston says
"Ik but - but-" I say
"But what?" parker says
I remember Payton told me to keep this a secret so I just kept quiet about it. I need time to think.

I sigh, "Nothing nevermind".
"Fine. " Parker says
"Am I introuble?" I ask
"No as long as this never happens again, you know better, do u understand me" Percy says
"Yes" I say to him as I hug him and he hugs back
"Lets go see our new house then ok" He says as I nod

Eventually we all got changed and drove to the house I took a huge nap in the car until I feel someone picking me up
"Baby wake up" Preston says
I open my eyes slightly and look at him
"We're here" he says
"The house Is huge and its by a beach!!!" I say excitedly
"I know right isn't it pretty" I smile as he says this and we head inside
"Wanna see ur room Pres" he says as I nod and he takes me upstairs
It was so cool it had teal walls along with a star projector.
Pierce turned it on and it looked like there was a galaxy on my ceiling.
I even had my own tv!!!
"This is so cool!!!" I say giggling
"I know right! So were gonna unpack and eat dinner do u want to finish ur nap or help out?"
"Can I watch tv instead" I say still a little tired from the waterpark but not that tired.
"Sure" he says as he turns on spongebob for me laying me in the bed and tucking me in.
"U comfy darling?" He says
"Very" I say giggling
I was trying to watch SpongeBob but all that could replay in my mind is how I have a brother and how mommy and daddy were mad at me over something I didnt even say, I wanted to ask them if it was true but I was scared I didn't want them to be mad Ik this is a sore subject for them.
Ik im a little kid but I can tell when people get stressed.
Anyways I eventually fell asleep, I guess I was more then only a little tierd after all.

A while later Percy wakes me up and we go downstairs to eat dinner.
Ewww he made stew and broccoli
I hate that.
I will admit I feel a little grumpy rn especially when all I can think about is with what happened today.
Percy gives me a plate and I push it away
"Not hungry" I say pouting
"Why not you haven't aten since 1 baby its 6 oclock" Percy says
"I don't want it!!" I say tearing up
"Okay okay, relax whats wrong" he says
"I want to go back to sleep" I say
"No you just slept for 3hrs, I dont want to mess up your sleep schedule" Percy says
"Just eat a little bit ok?" Preston says
"No!! Leave me alone" I say getting up and running upstairs
The boys look at eachother confused as heck. They had no idea what went down.
"Ill go talk to her" Preston says

Preston wanted to give her a chance to cool off.
He was worried. I mean ya she could be a hotheaded sometimes but she would never get mad about little things like that.

10 minutes later
I hear a knock on the door
"Presley may I come in" I hear Preston say softly
"Yea" I mutter sitting on my bed with my head in my hands
I look up at him as he comes in
"Hey kiddo whats with the sad eyes" he says
"What happened with mommy and daddy?" He looked a little startled by my question

"Well sweetie... there very busy and didn't have alot of time to take care of you..cuz there working. So they told us to do it" he said

I sighed I didn't know what to beilive a boy who looks just like me and claims to be my twin or ny brothers. I tried to believe my brothers but to many things were adding up, I mean the same last names, the same parent names. It was so frustrating !

I started crying really loudly as Preston immediately hugged me looking shocked by my outburst.

"Woah Presley whats wrong" I hear someone barge into the room I think it was Parker as I hear more foot steps coming into the room.

"Honey I know they were busy ok" Preston said
"But-" I say
"No buts...Its not about you don't worry about it you have us" Preston says

"Preston you better not be talking about who I think you are" Percy said
"What am I supposed to do in this situation huh?" I hear him whisper
"Are u sure thats what happened Preston" I say
"Yes I would never lie to you" he says
"Promise?" I ask
"I promise.." he says as I sigh.

I just stay silent as the boys look at me.
I decided to just stop asking questions, this is impossible to figure out. I mean he even said he didn't lie? But yet everything adds up and why the heck would another boy just come up to me and say random stuff like that.
Should I just ask them??

"But a boy said he was my brother and said he knew my parents and said they wanted me" I say as they look back at eachother and at me.

"Baby you dont have another brother?" Percy says confused
"But he came up to me today at the waterpark, you know when I went back to the slides without you." I say
They look at me like I grew two heads.

"He looked kinda like me he had the same eyes and the same last name to" I say
They all looked confused and the room went silent for a sec.
"Baby whats his name" Percy said
"Payton" I say
He took a minute to think and sighed
"How about you just watch a movie for now ok?" Parker says handing me the remote
I can tell they didn't know what to do and so I just sighed and nodded.
"Please believe me i would never lie to you" I say doing puppy dog eyes while tearing up.

"I know I know, Im gonna see if Atlas can find out any more information" Percy says.

They all nod and go downstairs while Preston lays with me.
Thank Gosh there cops and could like figure anything out lol.
Pierce brought us ice cream and we ended up watching Moana again and eventually I fell asleep for the night.
They told me to not to worry about it and that they would figure it out.

So guys I have a question for u guys!
Who's your favourite sibling?????

Also I hope u guys enjoyed a chapter I know It was kinda sad to see her upset like that not gonna lie. But its one step to there journey of finding there new sibling.  But ya vote for more!

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