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Eventually we got to the hospital and Percy picks me up bringing me inside, I immediately saw Preston and made grabby hands for him as Percy handed me to him.
Preston touches my cheek carefully as I wince "it hurts"
"I know sweetie, were gonna get it taken care of ok?" He says as he brings me to a room and lays me down.
"You paged" Thea and Elijah come into the room
"Awh honey what happened" Thea asks me as Preston puts some gloves on, he was shaking.
"Its ok I'll take care of it" Elijah says putting some gloves on as well as Thea
"Hey darling let me take a look" he says softly as he takes a look at my cheek.
"We have to pull it out and give her a couple stitches but thats it, your very lucky kiddo" he said leaving the room to go get some stuff as Thea takes my vitals.

I look at Payton as he puts a rubber glove on his head "ima rooster"
I laugh as the rest of the boys laugh as well
"Can we be roosters together" I say
"After baby okay?" Preston says holding my hand as Elijah comes back in with a tray full of stuff.
They make me drink this gross medicine and it was awful
"What is it" Percy says
"Pain medication" Preston says as Percy nods
"It'll take a while to kick in but Im gonna give her a shot to numb it and don't worry there wont be any scarring" he says as he pulls out a needle
"Preston" I whine
"Relax baby" Percy says holding my hand as Elijah tells me not to move
He injects the needle as I start crying again
"Ur doing so well Princess ur almost done" Preston says as he finishes up

After a while they pulled out the glass and Elijah was giving me stitches. He promised to give me a toy after so I tried to be really brave. Pierce took Payton home cuz he was falling asleep.

Eventually Elijah finished and put a band aid on my face followed by an ice pack to keep the swelling down. I was way out of it cuz of the pain meds and laughed at everything they said even if it wasn't funny.
"Whats funny baby" Percy said
"This happened because of apple juice" I say giggling
"Pretty silly huh?" He said as I nod and giggle

"Hey I heard one of my favourite kids is here" Samuel says coming into the room, I giggle and wave at him as he pulls out a teddybear from behind his back "look what elijah got you" he says giving it to me.
I hug Elijah and thank him as I was doing that hear preston talking to thea he was red. I think he was blushing?
"Elijah do they love eachother?" I say giggling
"Mmmm idk maybe" he said whispering
"U love her u love her" I say giggling as Preston rolls his eyes
"Ok well, I guess I may as well tell you baby we started dating last week" he says as I shrug and giggle
"I knew it was gonna happen! Parker you owe me 5 dollars I told you he would find a girlfriend before u" I giggle
He rolls his eyes at that while I hear a bunch ooooooooh's, and ahhhhh's and laughs.

Eventually we were leaving to go home and Percy picked me up and I rested my head on his shoulder. I was so tierd.
"Percy Im gonna name my bear apple" I say
"Why baby?" He asks
"Because then whenever I want juice Payton will give me his" I say as he mutters "oh boy"
"Bye sweetie take it easy no more fighting over juice" Elijah says as I giggle and wave bye to Samuel and Thea.
We got in the car and I fell asleep almost instantly.

A/N so hope u guys are enjoying the book so far, Comment your favorite character and I'll try to do more moments with them!  Im gonna try to add in Paytons POV more often I think it would make the book more complete since they are twins! Pls vote and comment I would love to interact with you all

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