Chapter 23: The one with anger issues

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Soyoung's POV

As master Lee left the room, the knights followed him to see him off but I didn't go because I heard some noises. Pressing my ear against the wall, I listened carefully.

"Horses....royal guards....carriage." I could hear them coming nearer and nearer to the mansion.

"Sian....." My eyes widened. "I must hide."

3rd person POV

As soon as Jimin saw Sian, he quickly turned around to look for Soyoung.

"Looking for someone, 5th knight?" Sian raised a brow at Jimin.

"Ahh....n-no one, your majesty." Jimin turned around to face Sian, "To what do we owe this pleasure?" He asked with a bow.

"Now do I need your permission to visit anywhere that is within my kingdom?" Sian clenched his jaw while glaring at Jimin.

Jimin, "Your majesty I-"

Jin shoved Jimin aside and stepped in between the two men, "I apologize your majesty. Welcome to our humble abode." Jin bowed and the others followed his lead.

"YES! WELCOME TO OUR HUMBLE ABODE, O' KING!" Jeonnguk yelled as he entered the mansion.

"WHY ON EARTH ARE YOU YELLING..." Sian glared at Jeongguk and looked around the mansion before shifting his focus back to Jeongguk, "Or should I ask who are you yelling for? Who are you trying to make aware?"

"Yelling, your majesty? No no...How could I yell in your presence? I was just clearing my throat!" Jeongguk bowed.

"I swear if you all weren't my favorites, I would have detached your heads from your bodies for your insolence," Sian said with a sarcastic smile. Namjun was about to say something but Sian turned toward Master Lee.

As Sian settled down in the living room, he asked, "And master, where were you going without meeting me?"

Master Lee, "I was certainly heading towards the palace to meet my most rebellious student."

Sian smirked, "Right? I knew you would come....that is why I saved you the trouble by coming here myself. Thanks to Lord Cha..." Sian pointed towards his bodyguards and from behind them lord Cha appeared and bowed with a devilish smile.

"Hyung, I think father must have informed the king about Soyoung and that is the real reason Sian is here," Namjun whispered in Jin's ear.

"I feel the same," Jin whispered back.

"Before everything else goes out of hand, let me tackle down father," Yunki said and Jin nodded.

Yunki grabbed his father's shoulder, "Father, I have to confess something...look into my eyes."

Raising one brow, lord Cha looked into his eyes, "What is it-"

"Father, you've work in the garden...have you forgotten?", Yunki hypnotized him.

"I have work in the garden...." Lord Cha turned around to leave.

"Where are you going, lord Cha?" Sian asked.

"He recalled that he has some work in the garden." Yunki smiled innocently.

"I see...very well, why don't you all sit down?" Sian smiled.

As everyone settled down anxiously, Sian closed his eyes, "I can feel feminine energy...."

Hosung gulped and looked toward Jin.

"Might be the maids, your majesty." Taehyun insisted.

"True true!" Hosung agreed.

Sian opened his eyes and smirked, "I think so too...." He crossed his legs, "Sir Jin and Sir Yunki, you know, today the guards, while burying the corpses of the concubines, found that 1 concubine was missing...I wonder how?"

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