Chapter 39: Someone's presence

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Soyoung's POV

I was getting ready for bed when I felt someone's presence.

"Someone is definitely here..." I grabbed a dagger and carefully went near the door.

As soon as the door slid open, I was ready to attack.

"OH MY GOD!" It was Iseul.

"Iseul?!" I pulled her inside and checked the corridor...there was no one, "I am sure I felt someone's presence!"

"What are you talking about?" Iseul asked.

I closed the door and asked Iseul, "How are the knights, Iseul?" I asked.

"They are doing good!" She replied not looking at me.

"They must be mad at me, right?" I asked.

"It's not like that, Soyoung...Oh my God! Look how late it is, you should go to bed to restore your energy to deal with the demonic king tomorrow!" She said.

"Fine, I will go to bed! Also, tomorrow morning, ask all the consorts in the harem to be present in the imperial pavilion...I shall have a meeting with them!" I said and walked towards the bed but that's when I again felt someone's presence.

"I told you...there is someone here..." I grabbed the dagger again.

"Don't you think your senses are being way too sensitive today?!" She asked.

I walked towards the window and peeked to see if there was my shock, I saw Yunki climbing the wall.

"YUNKI?!" I was surprised.

"'s so hard to climb walls in this age..." He looked at me, "What are you looking at? Will you help me or not?!"

"Yunki, we are not supposed to meet in private!" I said.

"Miss Iseul is there with you, no?" He asked.

I grabbed his collar and immediately pulled him inside and closed the window.

" was so high!" He went to sit down on the bed.

Iseul gasped, "Oh my God, sir Yunki you're not supposed to be here...what if someone finds out?"

"I don't care who finds me out...currently the more thing for me is to find out what on earth is happening...." He looked at me and then continued, "I can't talk to you in private so Miss Iseul needs to be here but this room seems very Miss Iseul, would you mind going to the farthest corner and standing there facing your back towards us?" Yunki asked.

Iseul bowed and did what Yunki asked him to do.

"My first question to you...." He looked at me as his expression darkened, "Can't you return with me? We all will go somewhere far away and live a happy life..."

I sighed and sat beside him, "No, Yunki....the war has begun and we can't flee from the battlefield."

"I know that you haven't married him but you are the didn't even wait for you know how much it hurt us?" He asked as he stared into my eyes.

I looked down, "I had no other choice, Yunki....this was the only way left..."

He grabbed my chin and pulled my face up to meet his eyes, "My last question're still wearing those 7 hairpins so do you still love us?"

"I love you, Yunki...I love all seven of you..." Looking into his eyes, I said, "And no matter where we all are, I won't be separated from you...even after death..."

He put a finger on my lips and shushed me as he stared into my soul, "You did well...I won't blame you or criticize you. You were brave enough to do what you did, and I am proud of you." He hugged me.

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