VI - Let's go, my queen !

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Two seconds passed before I started to cough, my left hand before my neck and fell on my knees, putting my bare arm against my stomach. Then, I could feel the water ingered some seconds ago up my throat before spitting all out with, laughing noises in the background turning upside down all my thoughts.

What the hell are you planning, Kokichi Ouma .. ?

POV Shuichi

As I was still in a recovery state, Kokichi carefully took hold of the knife located on the floor, waltzing it between his fingers before throwing it with the sharp end pointing towards the camera monitor.

Kokichi : "What will happen next will be only between you and me", Kokichi whispered, insisting on the 'you'.

Finally, with this same knife, he cut a deep wound on his arm before I could even react. His arm was stretched out in front of me, with Kokichi desperatly attempting  to prevent the blood to fall off the floor.

But what happened at this instant wasn't the odd part. Indeed, my beloved was gazing at me with a determined look. His eyes were sparkling, but he wasn't saying anything, the room only left with heavy silence.

Unlike usual, Ouma wasn't playing with his words nor crying nor laughing. He was him. More natural, more silent, less alive. He was just waiting for me to take  action, with his intent unknown. What are you trying to tell me, Kokichi Ouma ?






At the end of the day, all was left was Kokichi, who I layed on the bed, neetly putting his covers on and me sleeping on the hard floor.

During the previous session, I wasn't as soft as Kokichi, biting him literally everywhere : starting with his freal arms, his colar bone, his thighs, his back and so on. Why did I put myself on this such embarrassing situation, I thought to myself, rolling on the floor, my hands before my flustered face. Imagining the position I settled him earlier is becoming also more disconcerting, particularly when I took Kokichi bridal style before placing him roughly on his desk at the corner of the room, the feeling of his legs encircling mines.

What was done is done, I guess. And Kokichi is partly to blame too, if solely he didn't have such sweet blood, trying to look intently at me, watching at all my moves with his serious tone hinting that he wasn't judging me...

Begining to feel my eyelids getting heavy, I let the soft sound of Kokichi's snores rock me in my sleep.

POV Kokichi

Why do I feel a smooth object against my skin ? Is that covers ? By the way the material was nicely wrapped around me, I guessed that it might be Shumai the culprit who did it yesterday night.

- "Thank you Shumai for-" I started before I noticed : 'Where the hell is he ?'. He must surely have left for breakfast, I thought.

Afterwards, I slowly got up from the sheets before leading to the dining room, inhaling the pleasant smell of the bouquet of purple roses engulfing the dorm.

While walking in the hall, I tried to touch my teeth to discover that, my teeth became flat again ! The motive is already ending, how deceiving...

Eventually, I passed through the door to my destination. The scene that was occuring weirded me out.

Just One Bite ~ OumasaiWhere stories live. Discover now