Chapter 1

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The bloody battlefield and death

General Liu Qingge can do nothing but watch as he and his men will most likely die from this rain of arrows headed toward them

They don't have enough shields to keep the arrow from penetrating through their skins

General Liu does his best to get some of his subordinates to run and hide somewhere out of the range of arrows but probably only a very few will escape

He apologizes to his young lieutenant for failing him and allowing him to die at such a young age when he still had so many things to live for

Yang Yixuan shakes his head telling him it was an honor to serve him and that he was willing to follow down the depths of hell with him

Everyone in toe with the young lieutenant shouts out the same things saying they couldn't have fought alongside a better general than him

Liu Qingge thanks all of his subordinates and tells them he was honored to fight by their side

He orders his battalion to move forward to slaughter as many enemies they can before the arrow pierces their bodies and kills them

In the end, nobody except for him and a few men including Yang Yixuan makes it to where their enemies are barely alive with arrows sticking out all over their bodies

Liu Qingge doesn't know how many soldiers were brought down upon his blade only that his lieutenant came and shielded him from the incoming blade that would have killed him in an instant

He watches as the boy he personally trained and raised in the army fell onto the ground with lifeless empty eyes indicating his death

General Liu roars out in pain before he goes to lunge at where one of the enemy generals was standing and managed to slice his head off before a sword is plunged through right his heart

With that, the great War God of the Liu Clan finally fell down and took his last breath

As he did though Liu Qingge sees flashes of memories of a man smiling at him wondering if he could meet him in the depths of hell and join him there

Sha Hualing cuts the general's head off his body and proudly shows it off to her subordinates stating how the Emperor Luo Binghe would be sure please with her work and reward her

Liu Mingyan committed suicide in the palace after avenging her brother's death and killed the newly installed general Sha

She then went to join him and the rest of their clan members in the pits of hell where she will surely fall for dirtying her hands and being unable to do anything but standby as her homeland is brought down to waste by the very emperor she volunteered to marry herself to in an attempt to save it

Luo Binghe's empire although large as it was brought nothing but misery and pain with people all over the land being slaughtered left to right for little offenses they hadn't even committed

This age became known as the age of bloody tyranny courtesy of the crazy emperor

Sudden awakening

Liu Qingge gasped as he suddenly awoke and what seems to be his bed in his family estate

He couldn't understand what was going on at first and thought that someone had probably saved him and...

No that wasn't possible he clearly remembers the powerless sensation of dying as the blade plunged through his heart and smashed it

Wait before that he remembers his family estate being burned to the ground by that idiot asshat Emperor Yue Yongcuan as punishment for speaking out against his degree to reduce the disaster relief and military budget in favor of building a grand luxurious palace for his latest new favorite concubine

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