Chapter 6

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At the red light district

It's been almost 12 days since the general came over with his proposal and he must say he has been enjoying himself rather well

He's completely pampered from head to toe not only by his personal attendant but also the fearsome war god as well

Liu Qingge is always there waiting on him whenever Shen Qingqiu needed or asked for something

However, that doesn't mean he necessarily pushes into his personal boundaries

In fact, he respects it and makes certain that others do as well. 

He always made sure to keep himself at a certain distance from the courtesan not wanting to cross past Shen Qingqiu's comfort zone

The war god knew when he needed space and gave it to him no questions asked dragging his friend outside of the sleeping room and shutting his mouth up if necessary.

Shen Qingqiu couldn't help but almost burst out in laughter at the sight of the war god shoving up a towel inside the merchant's mouth when his incessant whining started getting on both of their nerves 

But whenever the courtesan desperately needed someone to cling to especially during his nightmares the general would always lend his hand out to him 

He would be there holding his hand and whispering gentle words throughout the entire night like his Qi-Ge would do whenever he came by to visit

Or at least used to do... recently Qi-Ge's been so busy that he doesn't have enough time to visit him as often as he used to

When he finally does though he couldn't stay with him long enough with all the work he has in his hand

Actually, he doesn't remember when was the last time Qi-Ge allowed him to sleep on his lap and lulled him to sleep... 

All he can remember is Qi-Ge asking him for this favor and that advice, talking about this minister or that official, discussing his plans to subdue them, and consulting the courtesan for his input...

He was happy that his lover relied on him so much and trusted him... 

Wait, trusted? 

Why is it that the man who is supposed to trust him kept on questioning everything he did for him?

Why is it that he never ever listens to a word that Shen Qingqiu says no matter how much he pleaded to him despite the one coming for advice, unlike the general who always earnestly listened to word by word what the courtesan said even if it was something very insignificant?

Why is it that he must feel constantly undermined and ridiculed whenever his lover accuses him of not trusting him enough even though he has never given him enough reason to do so in the first place, unlike the general who was doing everything he can to earn his trust?

Without the constant migraines and headaches clouding his mind he couldn't help but notice the stark difference and gap between his lover's action with the general's

At first, he didn't mind and really didn't care thinking different people had different ways of thinking and expressing things

Qi-Ge cherished him in his own clumsy way just as the general took good care of him in his own straightforward blunt way

But after a couple of days, he found himself comparing the general to his lover

He knows it was wrong and he shouldn't but...

How could he not when the general was treating him the exact way he always wished deep inside his heart someone anyone would treat him like he was an actual human being with his own mind and opinion

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