Chapter 5

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Preparing for the meeting at the Red Light District

Shen Qingqiu sits by in his room as Jun Xin slowly and gently arranges his hair in preparation for today's late-night meeting with this mysterious benefactor of his

The young servant has a steady hand and is very gentle in taking care of smoothening out all of the strands one by one

He also dabs a bit of hair oil on the parts that were either tangled or a bit dry giving his hair a healthy shine lackluster look  

Jun Xin doesn't pull or rip through his scalp as he ties his hair into a simple half-low ponytail with a beautiful piece of ribbon and nothing else

The simple hairstyle matched perfectly with his beautiful elegant sophisticated but practical and comfortable set of robes that the mysterious client had gifted him and had also requested for him to wear 

The client also told him there was no need for him to wear makeup if he didn't want to and he was free to do as he liked

Shen Qingqiu decided to go for a more minimal look to match his appearance rather than his usual heavy gaudy which would simply clash with the entire setup

Overall, he actually quite liked this new style of his compared to the ones he was always forced to wear

In fact, he looked more beautiful like this if he had to say so himself

He looked like some respectable young master of a noble clan that he has seen walking out in the city rather than a lowly courtesan of the red light district

The courtesan couldn't help but let out a small smile that he quickly hid over the fan that this mysterious client had gifted him and had become his instant new favorite.

Jun Xin couldn't keep his eye off his master and was completely awed by this celestial heavenly beauty who stood with perfect grace and elegance that was fit for someone who had descended from the heavenly realms

It was like his master was a wise benevolent immortal master or better yet an ancient god that watched over these lands

Shen Qingqiu's ears blushed red from the overexaggerated compliments the young servant kept giving him 

The courtesan was used to being complimented for his sharp seductive tempting beauty that those disgusting pigs couldn't wait to get a taste of 

But he wasn't used to having someone genuinely admire and look up to him like this 

He honestly had no idea to react... 

Anyhow the important thing was he felt extremely comfortable in these robes and made a note to hide them among his hidden treasures later on before the Madam took notice and took it away like all the other gifts he received so far

Jun Xin could see how much his master liked his new clothing and was glad that he made the right choice among the different sets of robes the general had prepared beforehand

Seeing as how much he liked these robes he's pretty certain that his master will like the others as well

Who knew that the brutish War God would have a such impeccable taste?

It was obvious that the general cared about his master very much.

After all he went out of his trouble to personally evaluate and choose the most highly skilled servant employed at his estate to serve as his master's personal attendant

He chose Jun Xin after much careful delegation after not only recognizing his talents and abilities but also for his deeply compassionate personality which would make him the best caretaker for the sickly courtesan 

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